Guns: Hunting/Defense

We use them for both, hunting and defense. We hunt for fun, have something to eat, for compensation of minor or major inferior and/or identity crisis or other issues (not every single one has to apply in every case).
We defend ourselves to stay alive because we are frightened. Normal human reaction.

Personally I quite question the usage of weapons in cases of defense because not everyone I see or who sees me is going to kill me. But weapons of every kind make it easier to settle the problem. I cant say its right or wrong, its something in between, but in the end the user of the weapon is the main problem, not the weapon itself.
hunting for fun sucks, people should hunt to eat, not for the sport, i mean its still killing poor little animals.
anyway i'm not sure about allowing people to have guns in europe or not, and i cant really say if i think its good that in the states people can have some. i mean there are some psycopaths around who'll use these weapons stupidly. having a gun at home is actually to make you feel more protected but ironically people might not feel safer cause they'd think "fuck my neighbor who hates me has a fucking shotgun collection." :loco: and these dudes in the ghettos will all have guns too so it'll be even more dangerous to go there, especially with all those mofos who have nothing to loose or who dont realise the importance of the situation.
but still if someone really wants to kill his neighbor, he'll do it another way or he'll find a gun from mafiosos or whatever. and having a gun to protect yourself is quite useful if you get robbed and all. well its a difficult question. :p
but in the states, having the right to bear arms is a historical heritage, so thats even more complicated to solve.
For offense its quite the same. Weapons are just tools designed to kill, but not every gun or other weapon is killing someone indeed. The user and the reason why he fights makes the difference, not the tool itself. Well, its possible to arguement that this is enough to make them "evil", but nothing is only good or evil by nature (whatever good and bad means because these adjectives are very subjective).
Okay, I have to say that killing is part of the humankind, even perhaps "not the best one", but it is. I see it as kind of natural to have and to use them. I dont despise them, I dont like them either, but I think its wise to know when we should use them and when not. Wisdom and knowledge are one of the greatest treasures a human can possess.

And what Celtik says, is, and thats very sad, true..... Hell ya, everyone is going to kill me, lol :loco: Some fucks on this planet should think about that.
Only a hunter needs a gun to do his job.
But too much people use weapons to kill others.
And it is no problem to get weapons.
So weapons make only problems!!!
paganblood lives in australia, he was just in europe for an extended period recently ::wacken!:: as far as guns, im a libertarian, so i say more power to you, afterall, criminals will always have access to them, and personally, i'd like to be able to shoot back. Outlawing guns in the us would be silly anyway, since gun laws are actually more relaxed in canada and mexico, so the black market wouldnt dry up at all...
Good and evil are christian terms which I avoid.

I am also very much a librarian, but I dont think it would be a good idea to make guns accessible in europe as in amerca. There you can get executed for misuse, but here you can get like 21 years and if youre a moslem 'cultural - enricher' punk, which I suspect the most energetic users of these weapos would be, then you'll probably get an easier sentence. "I mean of course, these people have fled from wars and are brought up in very bad conditions, oh no, not because theyre culture is bad, oh no it's wonderful and respectful to women, of course, but because we dont give them enough relief and economical security etc. In fact, maybe we should give them guns in order to protect themselves against 'yhe increasing threat of right extremism', (which can hurt both you and me - these people are absolutely crazy) and maybe to punish us europeans, oh yes theyre european too, but the other us, for being so cruel to everyone.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Good and evil are christian terms which I avoid.

I am also very much a librarian, but I dont think it would be a good idea to make guns accessible in europe as in amerca. There you can get executed for misuse, but here you can get like 21 years and if youre a moslem 'cultural - enricher' punk, which I suspect the most energetic users of these weapos would be, then you'll probably get an easier sentence. "I mean of course, these people have fled from wars and are brought up in very bad conditions, oh no, not because theyre culture is bad, oh no it's wonderful and respectful to women, of course, but because we dont give them enough relief and economical security etc. In fact, maybe we should give them guns in order to protect themselves against 'yhe increasing threat of right extremism', (which can hurt both you and me - these people are absolutely crazy) and maybe to punish us europeans, oh yes theyre european too, but the other us, for being so cruel to everyone.

lol ur a librarian? whats ur favorite book in your collection? :loco:
anyway i somewhat understand what ur talking about, indeed ethnomasichism is very commun now in europe. which means that us white people tend to not accept our origins anymore because we did so much "wrong" to the countries we colonised, hence now we gotta pay for our "errors". paradoxically, it denies our right to have an identity, although it encourages immigrants to embrace their origins...
Celtik Militia said:
lol ur a librarian? whats ur favorite book in your collection? :loco:
anyway i somewhat understand what ur talking about, indeed ethnomasichism is very commun now in europe. which means that us white people tend to not accept our origins anymore because we did so much "wrong" to the countries we colonised, hence now we gotta pay for our "errors". paradoxically, it denies our right to have an identity, although it encourages immigrants to embrace their origins...
Celtik, I respect your opinon and thoughts, but please keep this talk to a minimum. If you want to listen to Skrewdriver with me and play monopoly, that will be fine. For now, keep it on .9 mm's.
my talk is to a minimum. did i say anything racist or anything? i dont believe so.
i could say more stuff that would indeed shock everyone but i know that thats not the way to deal with people who aren't of my opinion. i believe everything i said (when it wasnt joking) was politically correct.
hell yeah lets moshpit on some screwdriver :p
Librarian was a joke - isnt it liberal? Anyway what the fuck did we do wrong I mean we're probably gonna sve more africans because of all the development we brought there. Ok, that is wrong but in their sense I mean. And now theyre trying to blame the civil wars on us because "we just left", well, who the fuck wanted us to leave? And now theyre invading us as thanks, and the incredible thing is that we let them. I'm almost about to propose a final... but I aint sayin nuttin'.
Ha! You dudes would blow a vessle trying to understand how things work in Canada....Can you say "Native American Politics" and "Parti Quebequios" vs the Good Ol´Limey Boys in Ottawa? Anyhow, as for the original thread, we have a semi-restricted gunlaw, with a registry, which is not working at all. It is illegal to buy a rifle without taking some classes first (this is so that you can handle the rifle, and store it safely, but also so that you can actually aim it and fire it without making an animal suffer needlessly because you hit it in the foot instead of killing it...duh.), so now, besides from myself, who actually took the classes, the only people who own a rifle is the local criminal down the road who use it for drivebys. Handguns are practically impossible to get in a legal fashion.

When I grow up I'm buying an RPG. They make bigger holes. Fuck handguns.
Celtik and TheLast, calm your asses down, budds. It not what you say, but its how other people are going to interpret and lead the topic astray. One more lashing out like that and your banned mister :grin:

Tyra, do you own any Rifles now? what kind?