Guns N' Roses

Never really cared about them either way. When appetite came out, I remember making fun of them, calling them shitty cock rock. I can see now it was a little better than that, but like I said, just don't care.
Anyone with a large diversified metal collection should have:
-illusion I & II

This is really all you need from GnR, other material not in the same league. Yes Axel is a jerk, but music was sweet.
Appetite pretty good album for G'N'R
Patience is a good song, the album sucked
Illusion I&II :yuk: :puke:
All those damn songs and most suck. They should of grabbed the good songs put it on one CD then it would of been just alright to pretty good album.
Appetite is one of the best sleaze/glam/hair metal cd's ever recorded. This is the only G n R cd I own. I dont like anything of the other except maybe a couple of songs off the Illusions disks (You Could be Mine, Civil War, Get in the Ring, etc)
Appetite is easily the best. I agree that the Use Your Illusions could have made one killer album if they scrapped all the filler and just did one CD. Use Your Illusion II is alot better I think.. Civil War, You Could Be Mine, Get In The Ring, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, etc.

I can't describe how BAD the Spaghetti Incident is...dear god. The only good cover is of Nazareth's "Hair Of The Dog" but even that doesn't even come close to Britny Fox's AWESOME cover of that off their Boys In Heat album.
Originally posted by metal_azz
there is a pretty good live album named "greatest hits live era 1987- 1993".... all the good songs by GnR....

i have that album- it rocks- definitely get that if you wanna hear the good stuff- i have appetite as well but don't think i'd buy any others... though i'd be interested to hear the new one if it ever comes out?
Originally posted by Necros
Anyone with a large diversified metal collection should have:
-illusion I & II

This is really all you need from GnR, other material not in the same league. Yes Axel is a jerk, but music was sweet.

You took the words out of my mouth. Ohh...and by the way. Slash fucking wails.
I thought the music was great and all, but I just could never get past Axl and his high pitched girly screams. On TSI there is a song that Duff sings on I think, whenever I hear that I think that Duff should have been the singer. Maybe that is what they end up doing with this new non-Axl version of the band? I can only hope!
Originally posted by raccyd
i have that album- it rocks- definitely get that if you wanna hear the good stuff- i have appetite as well but don't think i'd buy any others... though i'd be interested to hear the new one if it ever comes out?

With Axl having a meltdown. When do you think this will surface?
I heard something about them(Axl's version of GNR) will have a track on the new Terminator soundtrack. It's been so long since Axl did anything that even the curious & casual fans have to think twice about buying the new one. I think Appetite & the live recod are my picks. I think Illusions 1&2 could have easily been compiled into a 10 tracks on one disc. Didn't you guys feel duked when you bought the two discs?
I reckon Sebastian Bach would fit with this new Guns N Roses band reaaaaaaally well. He had that same vibe happening as Axl but he could actually sing about 127640237543254 times better than him :D
apparently they've been playing one or two new songs live- when they come over to the UK in the summer- end of summer and they are meant to be really good- this is only apparently though- maybe it's just that people remember them being good- whether they were or not...