Guys with new iMacs, come in...


Mar 9, 2009
I've got this frustrating problem. When I'm working in Pro Tools, I get this noise through my monitors. It's some kind of electrical interference. But it only starts when I open PT. The rest of the time, the monitors are super quiet. When I tried doing some re-amping the other night, I had a whole lot of noise coming through my amp. When I tried doing the re-amping with my Macbook, there was no noise.

Have any of you guys with the newer iMacs got the same problem? Any work arounds?
You should ear the ground noise always...not only with PT open. Or probably you have some active output that you use only with PT and you hear the GL through these..
Is it a high-pitched, cricket-like noise? I've had it, too, and I never found a way to completely get rid of it. It seems to be some sort of interference from the iMac's display, as it responds to what's happening on the screen. Moving things around physically I managed to make it so faint it doesn't bother me in the slightest anymore.
I thought it was maybe noise coming from the LED screen, but you're right, I'd get that the whole time then. I've tried my Mac in a different outlet and it never made any difference.

If it's my audio interface, it doesn't explain the lack of noise when using my Macbook. My amp was also picking up the noise which made doing re-amps impossible because of noise :( fml
Is it a high-pitched, cricket-like noise? I've had it, too, and I never found a way to completely get rid of it. It seems to be some sort of interference from the iMac's display, as it responds to what's happening on the screen. Moving things around physically I managed to make it so faint it doesn't bother me in the slightest anymore.

Yeah, When I click certain things on screen or do stuff, it quiets down a bit. Bloody frustrating.
I had a ground noise with my mackbook pro too...but only if I connected my external lcd monitor. It was a ground loop that from the monitor went through the interface and came out from the speakers. If I connected the monitor to another socket in the wall the noise disappeared.
It's still a ground noise...but unfortunately having a all-in-one machine it's not that easy.
My flatmate also had the same problem with his new external display, though he's using a Macbook (Pro 13"). I suspected it'd be a ground issue and we tried switching the display's power cord's place, and that changed the pitch and volume of the "chirping". He then got a new extension cord and plugged it into a different socket in the wall and connected the screen into that one, and the noise seems to have gone away pretty much completely now.

I also get some slight noise through my speakers (early '08 MBP and external display here), but it's so quiet that I don't even really hear it, unless it's totally quiet and I have my ear almost next to the speakers.

I guess it's as one of our teachers once said (though freely translated), "the ground works in mysterious ways".
Nah, it wasn't the external monitor. The wiring in this house is a little crazy I think. There was an extension put on at one point and I think whoever did the wiring was on crack. I'll try swapping sockets etc to see how that treats me.

It's just so frustrating. I spent £2k on this iMac and it's pretty shitty that I'm getting this noise.