Gwen Stefani ripped off Faith No More

aliasp said:
FNM ripped off Julio.

Gwen's a hottie and a cutie and I actually like some of her stuff (normally I hate chics singing - no offense but I just don't like it!).

But no one touchs Julio.

Yup, all TRÜE fans know that Julio invented cheerleader chanting (1927 I belived) and later used it when HE wrote "Be Aggressive", karrokids sisters cheerleadingteams chant and "Hollaback Girl". And he also showed Gwen that his oral talents go beyond his beautiful version of "Copacabana"!
You guys are now probably waiting for the DD banged her story and licked her head to toe blah, blah, blah :D

Yes I'd do her in more ways then one and I've seen her play live in the No doubt days (twice).
its bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s
in pyjamas p-y-j-a-m-a-s

hmmmm i wonder if you US peeps ever read bananas in pyjamas, probably not :)

i dont see the fnm comparison tho, sure shes spelling a word out, but aint that a cheerleader thing........snot like mobscene which despite still being a cheerleader chant type deal still rips on fnm in a big way......still, i dont want to defend the bird by any means........

stefani is terrible on all counts, that "if i was a rich girl song" makes me puke, how rich do you want to be , you skank? slike elton john singing if i was a gay man.
lokey said:
its bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s
in pyjamas p-y-j-a-m-a-s

hmmmm i wonder if you US peeps ever read bananas in pyjamas, probably not :)

i dont see the fnm comparison tho, sure shes spelling a word out, but aint that a cheerleader thing........snot like mobscene which despite still being a cheerleader chant type deal still rips on fnm in a big way......still, i dont want to defend the bird by any means........

stefani is terrible on all counts, that "if i was a rich girl song" makes me puke, how rich do you want to be , you skank? slike elton john singing if i was a gay man.

Elton John is gay? WTF?
Next you will say the Village People were too.... :wave:
Anyone else notice that in recent pictures Gwen Stefani is looking more and more like Madeline Kahn's character from "Blazing Saddles"?

Oh, it's twue... it's twue, it's twue!
DiscipleOfThePit said:
Gwen Stefani is good for nothing. She is not hot and people who reckon that she is bewilder me.

..much like how people that use "reckon" bewilder me. :tickled: