Gwynbleidd - Amaranthine

If I don't get this soon I'll kick myself for it down the road!

Adrian Bromley's review of the show in NYC (he mentioned them as among the best indie band he's seen in years) sealed the deal for me!
JayKeeley said:
I even spelled it correctly.


Two things you should check out that Gwynbleidd will be doing in the near future:

Ballet Deviare gigs in NYC (January 5-7th, 2007) - ballet set to metal! Gwynbleidd will perform "The Awakening", a 9 minute epic folk piece, live in the theater and will be the only full band to do so those nights. Other music to be featured includes that of Arsis (part of the band will play live), My Dying Bride, Opeth, Swallow the Sun, Japaniche Kampfhorspielle, Celestial.
If you are anywhere near NYC in January, and consider yourself a fan of metal music you just have to see this! For more info:, tickets to the show are available here:

Heathen Crusade 2 festival in Minessota (January 19-20th, 2007). A great lineup of international acts performing black/death folk, pagan metal. Aside from Gwynbleidd, the lineup includes Bal-Sagoth, Manegarm, Vreidd, Rudra, Grey Skies Fallen + more. More info here:

hope this helps! Two very unique and awesome metal events on the American soil.
Demilich said:
If I don't get this soon I'll kick myself for it down the road!

Adrian Bromley's review of the show in NYC (he mentioned them as among the best indie band he's seen in years) sealed the deal for me!

Any link to this review?

"The Awakening" and "Lure of the Land" are absolutely my favorite songs on the EP. They also represent the newer "folk metal" style of the band's future. I'm really, really looking forward to that 2nd full length release Sfarog. (though I'm certain the first full length will be quite worthy in it's own way) :kickass: :kickass:


EDIT - "The Awakening" has just been kicking my teeth in from the first moment I've heard it.
RickGSF said:
Gwynbleidd rule. We've played with them like 4 times now. They're our only friends.


are you from Grey Skies Fallen? I saw you guys at The Hook last month ...

another band you guys need to check out ...
I bought my copy of the album a couple of weeks ago when lurch mentioned them. You guys are very good, i look foward to your next work :Smokin: ( also hope to see you the next time you're in nyc, missed the last time)