H.E.A.T. courtesy of Sweden...

Sabaton was the headliner.
Regarding the fanbases not being able to stand each other.... I think people in Sweden are a little less sensitive to "sticking to their genre" than people are here. My buddy who went to the shows to see H.E.A.T is the biggest Dark Tranquiity fan ever born, and has no shame in supporting a "cheesy" 80's metal band. Maybe a little more respect for (good) music overall.

I like this attitude. I cut my teeth on "80's hair bands", but love a great deal of the current metal. With that said, there's nothing wrong with a person remembering his/her roots! :kickass:

Europe can keep this crap, we had enough of this panty waist tripe in the '80's to last a dozen lifetimes. And that's not to say that our current crop of "frat-boys" picking up instruments are doing anything better, cuz they're not.

Oh really? While many will not dig the vocals, musically these guys are top notch. Say what you want, but there's no denying the talent. I saw these guys live. They came on stage in Polo shirts and short hair, and I started laughing, and making my way towards the bathrooms. These guys won me over within the first minute of playing that they're the real deal.

Looks can be deceiving. Awesome drumming, awesome guitar playing, awesome arrangements.

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Sabaton was the headliner.
Regarding the fanbases not being able to stand each other.... I think people in Sweden are a little less sensitive to "sticking to their genre" than people are here. My buddy who went to the shows to see H.E.A.T is the biggest Dark Tranquiity fan ever born, and has no shame in supporting a "cheesy" 80's metal band. Maybe a little more respect for (good) music overall.

Agreed. My comment was actually a slight to some of the narrow minded-ness of the typical American metal fan. Glad you picked up on that. Although this forum is a bit more open-minded, I've seen way too many decent opening bands get booed offstage by those only interested in the main band (or genre). "Respect" is good word to use. I was just curious how the reaction was overseas.