MagSec4 said:


:zombie: How the hell did my spaces turn into asterisks?!!
Somberlain and his voodoo shit!
Raistlin: Thanks a lot man, I appreciate it. And where the hell did you get those pictures? Ese último es el ponqué mas marica que he visto
BodomiC: Thanks, and also for giving me back my own chicken dinner
NV: Thank you man, I did
Seph: Thank you mr. ballwarts, and why the hell not?!
yetti: Thanks a lot dude!
bizarre: Why thank you. I just might remember that for when I return there
EEF: Gracias, condenado de mierda, que te den lombrizes y se te pudra la cerveza
Marko: Thank you dude!
COBabe: Hell yeah! Sixpound birthday
LBRH: Tack!
Kitty: Gracias. Sí, ahora no tendré que hacerte comprarme las bebidas si nos encontraramos en un bar : p
Y en verdad, ya han pasado 2 dias y no he recibido ni mierda

.. :/
ShadowOfFire: Thanks a lot fella.