Had a Bad Day, Need Some Love...

Nov 15, 2003
Cotter, Ar
No, not that kind of "Love". Well, maybe a little... :loco: Anyway, had a very bad, emotionally shitty expensive day, and thought I would come here and cry about it. In a nutshell, my car broke, so I tore the engine apart and spent my last dime (and some borrowed $) for parts, all before noon. Also factor in my lost wages for the day, and I am screwed! Trying to scramble to have it together before Monday so that I ain't out even more money....damn damn damn damn damn...should have bought a Schwinn.
:) Thanks for the thoughts Linda! But to tell you the truth, it can still head downhill from here, and in a hurry. It has happened to me several times, hell, almost all the time. One can only think positive for so long before reality sets in. My motto: Expect the worse an hope for the best. At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see it spontaniously combust...
:grin: Well, I spent all weekend tearing my engine apart, replacing three valves, and got rained on when I was re-assembling it. But, its back together and running great! And, a good thing came out of this little ordeal after all. Nobody in the huge ass city of Phoenix has a tool to remove the valve springs. So I took it upon myself (like I had another choice!) and built one. It turns out that it is one of a kind, and I am in the process of patenting it! I have put out a few ads on the net, and since Sunday I have sold 2! Yeehaa! Its about time the old noodle started pulling its own weight... :grin:
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: OK, you can officially scratch that last post I made conserning the tool I invented. Turns out a place called Mondello Engineering (scroll down 3/4 of the page) already has one that is nearly identical to mine. :erk: I swear to God, if given a 50/50 chance at something, I would loose 95% of the time. Oh well. At least mine didn't cost me $200! :loco: