Had a go at one of NSGUITAR's mixing tracks


Apr 19, 2009
Today I get to work and all the sudden have a serious "crick" in my neck so I went home early and decided to sit still and mix a track (fuckin sucks I have to turn my whole upper body to look right gah!). Picked this one out from all the ones on the forum since it was tracked and played well. Let me know what ye think, took a few hours and I had to redo some of the drums to convert them into AD from whatever the midi was intended for so maybe a few of the cymbal hits arent there or whatever. I personally hate the style of clean vocals and really wanted to leave em out but in the end I left em in. hah

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/994726/NSGUITARTRACK_mwmix2.mp3 - updated

thanks guys :D
Thanks, here's a 2nd draft with more bass and mids at noon on the amp, whereas they were close to 9 before. Also less highs but not much of a change there:
When the guy says "time after time" and "come and get me" I just want to slap him and tell him to grow some nuts.

The snare's decay is less obvious, shaved it off by about 20ms. I realize this wont get much of a response, quite alright...the music style doesnt do much for me and my mixes aren't really well planned affairs. :lol: and I STILL got a stiff neck goddamned it.