Haha, Dan.

Det Som Engang Var

Viking Bastard
Jun 3, 2005
Houston, TX
I let some girls hear the song we made, and your awesome vocals made them love it. I'm not saying I make music for girls or anything, but thanks to your awesome vocals they were like "Omg, you guys are so talented!" Score, I'm in!


Everyone else, Dan was nice enough to sing for my AIC cover, I'm very grateful. He said that is just a rough draft but he's still awesome.
Actually Dan, there was a track of yours I totally dug but I no longer have it.

It was a collaboration with someone else. I can't remember any more. Any help!?

Also, good job John!
yeah it sounds good but the vocals do sound a little off, that a latency problem with you sound card? or you doing them the old fasion way?

Yeah, not sure what the deal is with the timing. When I get around to doing the finished version it should should better...or at least in key. :lol:

This version was not meant for mass consumption < shakes fist > :zombie:
Sorry mang it's unreal hearing a professional singer on something I recorded. I couldn't contain myself.

The timing could be my fault, I was wondering about that. I had drums playing to stay in time that I took off on the final version, though. Hmm...

And by the way, those are awesome tracks. I never noticed last time this thread was bumped.