haha rachael ray

Rachael Ray is really boring as far as I am concerned. I was only watching her because she is attractive. I mean, making a whole show on tomato soup and grilled cheese? WTF? Do something interesting goddamn it!

I haven't had foodtv in some time so I am not familiar with Giada De Laurentiis. I am sure she can't be worse than our Saputo wife. The Saputo family is the biggest cheese maker and transformed milk-based products in Quebec. They are loaded and pretty much omnipresent in a lot food-related things. Well somebody had the good idea of putting one of the wives on provincial tv to do a cooking show. Not only is she a bad cook, she is terrible at hosting the damn thing.
i dunno about rachael ray being attractive, but i watch her show(s) a lot. it's funny to see episodes from 2001 followed by episodes from 2005 when she's all blimped up. lisa and i would play the 30-minute meals drinking game over the past few months, too. one of the things to drink for was "if rachael is clearly half-assing the episode" which i've had to do several times--like the episode where she made "salami scramble" (scrambled eggs and salami fried in a pan). she makes a lot of good easy things that give me ideas, though.

i have foodtv as part of the basic, free, no-pay tv package in new york. it's awesome.

alton brown is one of the best hosts on the food network, i think.
Alton Brown is clearly awesome. His show is entertaining and informative. Takes way too much care to do simple dishes though. Have you see the pilaf episode... Jesus christ it takes him 45 minutes of prep time to do a gaddamn pilaf...

I really like Bob Blumer, and not just because he is from here. I have done a lot of his stuff and it was a success everytime. Always flavourful, always a bit weird and always easy to do.

Despite all the fame and awes, Jaime Oliver and Mario Batali have some pretty great shows and their stuff is pretty much all good and simple to do.

For only the entertainment value I think Anthony Bourdain is my favorite chef, and his Les Halles cookbook is like a bible...
i used to not like mario until i read a new yorker piece about his biography. now i appreciate him.

alton brown has the best pedagogical method of anyone, man. he says something, and you ask yourself "but why is that..." and he's like "and the reason is because...!"