Prayer Request for Forum Member

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Hey Guys--
I just wanted to let you know that one of our forum members here named Rachael (HeavenKnows on the forum) is in the hospital with some serious health problems. Rachael is an incredibly generous and selfless person, and I know she would appreciate your thoughts and prayers in this difficult time. Thanks!
Hi all,
Thank you so much for all your prayers. I really really appreciate them! And thanks to Matt for posting a request for me. Matt and Sue are both so awesome.

I am still praying for an answer as the tests the dr's have done have not found out the cause yet of what's happened to my system. I'm actually not in the hospital at the moment, but I still really need answers so I can get better, especially as I am down to only skin and bones at the moment.
So if you'd like to pray for my digestive system to heal so that I can eat normally, I would really appreciate that - being able to eat well and have it process through my system normally would definitely help me to gain normal health back!

Thank you SO much!
Here's some reassurance:
Isaiah 40:31 said:
But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.
It's always been one of my favorite Bible verses.
I'd love to thank everyone So Much for their prayers - and esp Matt and Sue!! :)
(So far, specialists have diagnosed me with Gastroparesis and bacterial overgrowth - which leads to severe indigestion, weakness, no absorption of nutrients, and weight loss etc etc (bacteria gets all the nutrients instead of you - not a good deal, lol). No wonder I've been so sick all this time, LOL
They said that both conditions are rough and there isn't an easy or quick way to combat both of them, even with medication and antibiotics.)
However with God all things are possible! That's why I wanted to thank everyone So Much who's prayed for me during this time. You don't know what a difference you make!
Hopefully the meds will kick in soon and do the trick - That would be amazing - the dr said it may take multiple rounds of antibiotics before I start feeling any difference ...but I need to be healthy enough to go back to work soon. hopefully this can clear all issues up!
Tks for all your prayers and encouragement! I love you all. Let me know if you have any prayer requests also - I don't get to get on the internet very much, but hopefully I can get them.
Tks So Much Again! and Tks Matt for all your thoughfulness!!!
Good to hear from you. And yes, God can do anything. He's healed me of something that was said to be impossible to recover from. Long story.