Hail Skyfire!!!


Jun 12, 2003
Sorry for starting a new thread for this... but Skyfire is like propably the best stuff i've ever heard, together with soilwork. It's a pity Skyfire stuff is so hard to find, you guys are the masters of melodic death.

all i can say is

please... PLEASE come to graspop Metal Meeting 2004... if you guys come together with Soilwork, my goal in life will be accomplished :grin:

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Skyfire ain't that hard to find. Sure, you're probably not gonna see it in your high street retailer, but you can probably get it anywhere on the interweb.

and yes, among the very best melodic metal ever recorded.
Come to Belgium... pleaaasee?? :grin: :worship:

i believe they've been here once opening for some other band i don't remember the name of... but they oughta come back. Preferably june 2004, on GMM. Need more melodic death there, especially this stuff!

oh, and as of now, Mind revolution is my favourite song, ever :rock: