Hail to thee!


New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2006
Hey everybody.

Im here to completely n00b your forums with my 1337 gam3r sp33k and my ruthless promotion of my Band


Ill start with a little history of my music listening history:)

I was introduced to power and prog metal approx. 5 years ago. B4 then i was heavy in to the darker stuff like Cradle of Filth, Slipknot. I also really liked punk.

My friend came up to me one day and was like, dude you gotto listen to this. Suddenly a masterful onslaught of guitar riffs and epic vocals infected my head! "Grant me a wish my master, take hede of me!"

From there is found Kamelot, Stratovarius, and other awesomely Epic Power Bands.

I could go on forever but ill cut it short here.

Hope to be seein some of you people at Summer Power Madness!