Haillzzzz Everybody!!!!

Originally posted by Anth
Hailz to everybody!!!!!!!!!!
I have just to say I was extremely surprised by your russian, Mark! I can't believe it at once!! Great!!!


What a nice gif you have!! Look like you fart and then it burns! Coool!!! Evil stuff:)))!!
I've 'travelled' to Chernogolovka this weekend and I want to say that it was great!

It already started when we were leaving Moscow. 6 persons in one 'Do*bal' car... =) Almost like X-company.. =) And we have spent time great - music, laughter and lots of beer. Omin and Anth rule! =)
I am fading into the deepest kind of slumber while you have fun!!! THAT IS NOT FARE THOUGH!!!!!!
Originally posted by Berserk
2 Sonm: Well, what can you offer to change this?

I don't know... well.. come and take me home?:)
Originally posted by Sonm
I don't know... well.. come and take me home?:)

Why can't you come yourself? Oh, I know! your work holds you there..

So we need to come and imitate the kidnapping of you. :cool: Then you will come home and also recieve the payment for your retutn. :D
Originally posted by Berserk
Why can't you come yourself? Oh, I know! your work holds you there..

So we need to come and imitate the kidnapping of you. :cool: Then you will come home and also recieve the payment for your retutn. :D

Hm! I'll think of that!! But you know what? Maybe you could steal Lee? Why? Hell, I didn't know why! Let me think about that too!
Originally posted by Berserk
Well, nothing can stop us! We can steal Lee, Mark or ColdDarkNord... Just why? :cool:

Wellm first of all I guess to prove how good you are in stealing Lee, Mark or CoolDragOne!