What's everybody doing?


Curse You All Men...
Aug 14, 2002
It's cold, dark, sad and nothing happens...
I am sitting here in the lab and making my experiments to finish my Ph.D. Have to make another exam soon... tired and cold again. What's everybody doing so fart?
1. if you put a Mars bar on a white paper, soon you'll see the print of a car wheel tread your Mars bar was made of...
2. A green LED requires 2-3 Volts... at higher voltages it starts to emit red funeral light... it never to light again.
3. On my graphs - resistance versus magnetic field I see Satan's horns!
4. Making another simulation of the domain structure I see strange images in them...
5. I am hungry and want to sleep.
Going to meet my wife at subway station for a shoping:
1. I need to buy 2 table-clothes for use them as curtains (sound strange huh?)
2. I need to buy borers (4; 4,5 and 5 mm ones)
3. I need to buy 7 frames for my Paris pics
4. I need to buy some coke, coffe and other foods...
I need to wank before I go....
I am constantly trying to get rid of my cold... it sucks. So i am doing pills after pills after pills!
Russell, you rock!! HAHHHAAHAAHAHA!!! Beware of not pulling your bed-straps tight tonight! I bet you'll be awake in the middle of the night with your eyes wide open - MOTHER!! MOTHER!! IT'S FLUDDING AS HELLUVABASTARD!!!!!
You damn rock Russell:))) i know this type of people you belong to:) I simply adore them:)) LOL!!!
I am trying to dissolve my silver paste to glue another substrate for tomorrow etching!
Sonm said:
Russell, you rock!! HAHHHAAHAAHAHA!!! Beware of not pulling your bed-straps tight tonight! I bet you'll be awake in the middle of the night with your eyes wide open - MOTHER!! MOTHER!! IT'S FLUDDING AS HELLUVABASTARD!!!!!
You damn rock Russell:))) i know this type of people you belong to:) I simply adore them:)) LOL!!!
I am trying to dissolve my silver paste to glue another substrate for tomorrow etching!
Oh my, Sonm, that was schist! Haha, that was a gneiss pun! Well stone me, I did it again! :D Ahem :p

Fluid flow it fractured crytically stressed crystaline is slightly dull :( But now I'm doing sedimentology, which is great! :D
Aha... sediMENTologythat's something with mentals? What does Lee say about it?
The title of my Ph.D. will be -
The interplay between ferromagnetism and superconductivity in artificial S/F heterostructures.

The physics behind that rather complicated. I am trying to understand effects in case of quazi-particle transport in presence of proximized superconductor.I also want to develop basics of new type of the electrical circuits based on electron spins. That's what I am doing:)