METAL!!!!(that what we are all here for.. so i wont bother explaining) Black metal and death metal is what i live for, im 20 yrs old..metal chick... im always at shows... i do band managment hoping to suceed higher in the music business in due time ( im for the music.. not the money thing.. had to make that clear.)
here are some of my favorite bands, (listed out of pure boredum..)
A Gruesome Find, Abattoir, Abazagorath, Abigail, Aborym, Abortion, Abruptum, Absu, Absurd, Aceldama, Acheron, Ad Hominem, ADX, Agent Steel, Aggravated Assault, Aggression, Almighty Sathanas, Amon, Amon Amarth, (old)Amorphis, Anal Blast, Anal Cunt, Angel Corpse, Angel Witch, Angry Aryans, Antaeus, Arcane, Archgoat, ARG, Ares Kingdom, Arghoslent, Artillery, Asalant, Assassin, Assorted Heap, At War, Atomizer, Atrocity(US), Attack, Attacker, Attila, Authorize, Autopsy, Avalon, Batallon de Castigo, Bathory, Battlefield, Before God, Beherit, Belphegor, Benediction, Berserkr, Besatt, Bethlehem, Betrayer(Pol), Better Dead Than Red, Bifrost, Black Sabbath, Black Witchery, Blackshirts, Blacktask, Blind Guardian, Blitzkrieg, Block 11, Blood Feast, Bloodbath, Blue Eyed Devils, Bolt Thrower, Bound For Glory, Branikald, Brigade M, Brumalis, Brutal Attack, Buckethead, Bulldozer(Ita), Bully Boys, Burial, Burzum, Cancer, Candlemass, Cannibal Corpse (old), Capricornus, Carcass, Carnivore, Catacombs, Celtic Frost, Cenotaph(USA), Centinex, Centurion, Chapel, Cianide, Coffin Birth, Concrete Sox, Control Denied, Coroner, Corpse of Christ, Corpus Christii, Coven of the Worm, Craft, Cremation, Crucifer, Crucified Mortals, Crux, Cryptic Warning, Damator, Dark, Dark Angel, Dark Fury, Darkthrone, Dark Funeral, Day of the Sword, Death, Death Angel, Death's Head, Deathamphetamine, Deathrash, Deathrow, Deathstrike, Dead Conspiracy, Deceased, Decimation, Defiance(FR), Defiance(US), Deicide, Deinonychus, Dekapitator, Dementor, Demigod, Demolition Hammer, Demonic Christ, Depravity(FIN), Der Sturmer, Derketa, Desaster, Desecrate, Destroyer 666, Destruction, Destruktor, Devastation, Diabolic, Diamond Head, Dio, Discharge, Disciples of Power, Disgorge(US), Dissection, Division S, Dorn, Dream Death, Dream Evil, Drudkh, Einherjer, Eisenwinter, Emperor, English Rose, Ensiferum, Enslaved, Epica, Esoteric, Evil Incarnate, Evildead, Evoken, Excel, Exciter, Executioner, Exhorder, Exhumed, Exmortis, Exodus, Exorcist, Exterminator, Exumer, Falkenbach, Fatal, Fatal Violence, Femegericht, Finntroll, Flak, Flames of Hell, Forbidden, Forefather, Forest of Impaled, Fortress, Fueled By Hate, Fullmoon, Futhark, Gammadion, Gestapo, Gigi und Die Braunen Stadtmusikanten, Goatlord, Godnightdream, God Dethroned, God Macabre, Godless Rising, Gontyna Kry, Goreality, Goreaphobia, Gorgoroth, Gorguts, Gorod, Gospel of the Horns, Grand Belial's Key, Grand Magus, Grave, Grave Digger, Graveland, Gravewurm, Green Jello, Grinder, Grom, H8 Machine, Hallow's Eve, Hammerfall, Hassgesang, Hate(Pol), Hate Society, Headrot, Heathen, Hellhammer, Helloween, Hellwitch, Hermetica, Hibria, Holocaust, Holocausto, Holocross, Holy Moses, Holy Terror, Honor, Hypocrisy, I.N.F.A.N.T.R.Y., Iced Earth, Ildjarn, Immolation, Immortal, Incantation, Incubus(US) Infernal Angels, Infernum, Infester, Inhume, Intestinal Disgorge, Iron Angel, Iron Maiden, Jarovit, Jew Slaughter, Johnny Rebel, Judas Iscariot, Judas Priest, King Diamond, Korpiklaani, Korrozia Metalla, Krabathor, Kraftschlag, Kreator, Krisiun, Kroda, Kult ov Azazel, Laaz Rockit, Lair of the Minotaur, Landser, Last Battalion, Last Days of Humanity, Lawnmower Deth, Legacy of Blood, Legion(SPA), Legion of Thor, Liers In Wait, Limbonic Art, Lividity, Living Death, Lord Weird Slough Feg, Luftwaffe Raid, Malevolent Creation, Malignancy, Manowar, Marduk, Massacre, Master, Master's Hammer, Mayhem, Medieval, Megadeth, Megaslaughter, Merciless, Merciless Death, Mercyful Fate, Messiah, Metal Church, Metallica(old), Metalucifer, Midtown Bootboys, Militianary, Mistreat, Moat, Moonsorrow, Moontower, Morbid, Morbid Angel, Morbid Saint, Morbid Scream, Morbid Upheaval, Morgoth(GER), Morgue(US), Moribound, Morsure, Morta Skuld, Mortal Terror, Mortalis, Mortem, Mortician, Motorhead, Mudoven, Munruthel, Mutilator, Mystic Circle, Mysticum, Na Rasputje, Nachtfalke, Nastrond, Nasty Savage, Necrodeath, Necronomicon(GER), Necrophiliac(SPA), Necrovore, Nihilist, Nile, NME, No Remorse, Nocturnal, Nocturnal Fear, Nocturnus, Nokturnal Mortum, Nordglanz, Nordic Thunder, Nordkampf, Nordreich, Nuclear Assault, Num Skull, NunSlaughter, October 31, Odin's Law, Ohtar, Oidoxie, Old Funeral, Onslaught, Opera IX, Opfer Rassenhass, Order From Chaos, Origin, Outrage, Overkill, Overlorde, Pagan Altar, Pagan Heritage, Pagan Reign, Pantheon, Paragon, Parricide, Pentacle, Pentagram(PER), Pentagram(US), People Haters, Persuader, Pessimist, Pestilence, Phlegethon, Pluton Svea, Possessed, Post Mortem, Prime Evil, Profanatica, Psycroptic, Race War, Ragnarok, RaHoWa, Ram, Raunchous Brothers, Raven Dark, Razor, Razor's Edge, Realm, Rebel Hell, Red, White and Black, Red, White, and Blue, Regurgitate, Revenant, Revocation, Rigor Mortis, Ripping Corpse, Ritual Sacrifice, Rottrevore, Runemagick, Running Wild, Sabaton, Sabbat(JAP), Sabbat(UK), Sacred Reich, Sacrifice(CAN), Sacrosanct, Sadistic Intent, Sadus, Samhain(DEN), Sanctum, Sarcofago, Satan, Sathanas, Sauron, Savage Grace, Savage Thrust, Savatage, Saxon, Scepter, Sentenced, Sethlans, Shining Blade, Sieg, Sinister, Skrewdriver, Skyforger, Slammer, Slaughter, Slaughter Lord, Slayer(old), Slit Trench, Sniper, Sodom, Solstice(US), Soothsayer, Soulless, Spear of Longinus, Spirit of 88, Squadron, Stahlgewitter, Stargazer, Steel Tormentor, Steve Vai, Storkraft, Stormwarrior, Stormtroopers of Death, Straightlaced Nightmare, Sturmwehr, T.O.M.B, Tactics, Tankard, Tarot, Temnojar, Temnozor, Tempter, Testament, Thergothon, Those Opposed, Throne of Hate, Throneum, Tormentor(Hun), Tortura, Torture Squad, Totenburg, Totenkopf, Toxic Holocaust, Toxik, Transmetal, Trench Hell, Ulfhethnar, Ultimatum, Uncle Slam, Unleashed, Usurper, Vader, Vaginal Jesus, Varathron, Vectom, Venedae, Vengeance, Venom, Victimizer, Victims of Internal Decay, Viking, Vinland Warriors, Violator, Virgin Steele, Vital Remains, Volatile, Volkszorn, Vulcano, War 88, Wargod, Wehrmacht, Weisse Wolfe, West Wall, Whiplash, White Hunter, White Law, White Pride, White Zombie, Windir, Witchburner, Witches Hammer, Witchery, Witchfinder General, Wojnar, Woodtemple, Wotanorden, Wulfhere, Wytchkraft, Yngwie Malmsteen, .. MANYYYYYY MORE..

here are some of my favorite bands, (listed out of pure boredum..)
A Gruesome Find, Abattoir, Abazagorath, Abigail, Aborym, Abortion, Abruptum, Absu, Absurd, Aceldama, Acheron, Ad Hominem, ADX, Agent Steel, Aggravated Assault, Aggression, Almighty Sathanas, Amon, Amon Amarth, (old)Amorphis, Anal Blast, Anal Cunt, Angel Corpse, Angel Witch, Angry Aryans, Antaeus, Arcane, Archgoat, ARG, Ares Kingdom, Arghoslent, Artillery, Asalant, Assassin, Assorted Heap, At War, Atomizer, Atrocity(US), Attack, Attacker, Attila, Authorize, Autopsy, Avalon, Batallon de Castigo, Bathory, Battlefield, Before God, Beherit, Belphegor, Benediction, Berserkr, Besatt, Bethlehem, Betrayer(Pol), Better Dead Than Red, Bifrost, Black Sabbath, Black Witchery, Blackshirts, Blacktask, Blind Guardian, Blitzkrieg, Block 11, Blood Feast, Bloodbath, Blue Eyed Devils, Bolt Thrower, Bound For Glory, Branikald, Brigade M, Brumalis, Brutal Attack, Buckethead, Bulldozer(Ita), Bully Boys, Burial, Burzum, Cancer, Candlemass, Cannibal Corpse (old), Capricornus, Carcass, Carnivore, Catacombs, Celtic Frost, Cenotaph(USA), Centinex, Centurion, Chapel, Cianide, Coffin Birth, Concrete Sox, Control Denied, Coroner, Corpse of Christ, Corpus Christii, Coven of the Worm, Craft, Cremation, Crucifer, Crucified Mortals, Crux, Cryptic Warning, Damator, Dark, Dark Angel, Dark Fury, Darkthrone, Dark Funeral, Day of the Sword, Death, Death Angel, Death's Head, Deathamphetamine, Deathrash, Deathrow, Deathstrike, Dead Conspiracy, Deceased, Decimation, Defiance(FR), Defiance(US), Deicide, Deinonychus, Dekapitator, Dementor, Demigod, Demolition Hammer, Demonic Christ, Depravity(FIN), Der Sturmer, Derketa, Desaster, Desecrate, Destroyer 666, Destruction, Destruktor, Devastation, Diabolic, Diamond Head, Dio, Discharge, Disciples of Power, Disgorge(US), Dissection, Division S, Dorn, Dream Death, Dream Evil, Drudkh, Einherjer, Eisenwinter, Emperor, English Rose, Ensiferum, Enslaved, Epica, Esoteric, Evil Incarnate, Evildead, Evoken, Excel, Exciter, Executioner, Exhorder, Exhumed, Exmortis, Exodus, Exorcist, Exterminator, Exumer, Falkenbach, Fatal, Fatal Violence, Femegericht, Finntroll, Flak, Flames of Hell, Forbidden, Forefather, Forest of Impaled, Fortress, Fueled By Hate, Fullmoon, Futhark, Gammadion, Gestapo, Gigi und Die Braunen Stadtmusikanten, Goatlord, Godnightdream, God Dethroned, God Macabre, Godless Rising, Gontyna Kry, Goreality, Goreaphobia, Gorgoroth, Gorguts, Gorod, Gospel of the Horns, Grand Belial's Key, Grand Magus, Grave, Grave Digger, Graveland, Gravewurm, Green Jello, Grinder, Grom, H8 Machine, Hallow's Eve, Hammerfall, Hassgesang, Hate(Pol), Hate Society, Headrot, Heathen, Hellhammer, Helloween, Hellwitch, Hermetica, Hibria, Holocaust, Holocausto, Holocross, Holy Moses, Holy Terror, Honor, Hypocrisy, I.N.F.A.N.T.R.Y., Iced Earth, Ildjarn, Immolation, Immortal, Incantation, Incubus(US) Infernal Angels, Infernum, Infester, Inhume, Intestinal Disgorge, Iron Angel, Iron Maiden, Jarovit, Jew Slaughter, Johnny Rebel, Judas Iscariot, Judas Priest, King Diamond, Korpiklaani, Korrozia Metalla, Krabathor, Kraftschlag, Kreator, Krisiun, Kroda, Kult ov Azazel, Laaz Rockit, Lair of the Minotaur, Landser, Last Battalion, Last Days of Humanity, Lawnmower Deth, Legacy of Blood, Legion(SPA), Legion of Thor, Liers In Wait, Limbonic Art, Lividity, Living Death, Lord Weird Slough Feg, Luftwaffe Raid, Malevolent Creation, Malignancy, Manowar, Marduk, Massacre, Master, Master's Hammer, Mayhem, Medieval, Megadeth, Megaslaughter, Merciless, Merciless Death, Mercyful Fate, Messiah, Metal Church, Metallica(old), Metalucifer, Midtown Bootboys, Militianary, Mistreat, Moat, Moonsorrow, Moontower, Morbid, Morbid Angel, Morbid Saint, Morbid Scream, Morbid Upheaval, Morgoth(GER), Morgue(US), Moribound, Morsure, Morta Skuld, Mortal Terror, Mortalis, Mortem, Mortician, Motorhead, Mudoven, Munruthel, Mutilator, Mystic Circle, Mysticum, Na Rasputje, Nachtfalke, Nastrond, Nasty Savage, Necrodeath, Necronomicon(GER), Necrophiliac(SPA), Necrovore, Nihilist, Nile, NME, No Remorse, Nocturnal, Nocturnal Fear, Nocturnus, Nokturnal Mortum, Nordglanz, Nordic Thunder, Nordkampf, Nordreich, Nuclear Assault, Num Skull, NunSlaughter, October 31, Odin's Law, Ohtar, Oidoxie, Old Funeral, Onslaught, Opera IX, Opfer Rassenhass, Order From Chaos, Origin, Outrage, Overkill, Overlorde, Pagan Altar, Pagan Heritage, Pagan Reign, Pantheon, Paragon, Parricide, Pentacle, Pentagram(PER), Pentagram(US), People Haters, Persuader, Pessimist, Pestilence, Phlegethon, Pluton Svea, Possessed, Post Mortem, Prime Evil, Profanatica, Psycroptic, Race War, Ragnarok, RaHoWa, Ram, Raunchous Brothers, Raven Dark, Razor, Razor's Edge, Realm, Rebel Hell, Red, White and Black, Red, White, and Blue, Regurgitate, Revenant, Revocation, Rigor Mortis, Ripping Corpse, Ritual Sacrifice, Rottrevore, Runemagick, Running Wild, Sabaton, Sabbat(JAP), Sabbat(UK), Sacred Reich, Sacrifice(CAN), Sacrosanct, Sadistic Intent, Sadus, Samhain(DEN), Sanctum, Sarcofago, Satan, Sathanas, Sauron, Savage Grace, Savage Thrust, Savatage, Saxon, Scepter, Sentenced, Sethlans, Shining Blade, Sieg, Sinister, Skrewdriver, Skyforger, Slammer, Slaughter, Slaughter Lord, Slayer(old), Slit Trench, Sniper, Sodom, Solstice(US), Soothsayer, Soulless, Spear of Longinus, Spirit of 88, Squadron, Stahlgewitter, Stargazer, Steel Tormentor, Steve Vai, Storkraft, Stormwarrior, Stormtroopers of Death, Straightlaced Nightmare, Sturmwehr, T.O.M.B, Tactics, Tankard, Tarot, Temnojar, Temnozor, Tempter, Testament, Thergothon, Those Opposed, Throne of Hate, Throneum, Tormentor(Hun), Tortura, Torture Squad, Totenburg, Totenkopf, Toxic Holocaust, Toxik, Transmetal, Trench Hell, Ulfhethnar, Ultimatum, Uncle Slam, Unleashed, Usurper, Vader, Vaginal Jesus, Varathron, Vectom, Venedae, Vengeance, Venom, Victimizer, Victims of Internal Decay, Viking, Vinland Warriors, Violator, Virgin Steele, Vital Remains, Volatile, Volkszorn, Vulcano, War 88, Wargod, Wehrmacht, Weisse Wolfe, West Wall, Whiplash, White Hunter, White Law, White Pride, White Zombie, Windir, Witchburner, Witches Hammer, Witchery, Witchfinder General, Wojnar, Woodtemple, Wotanorden, Wulfhere, Wytchkraft, Yngwie Malmsteen, .. MANYYYYYY MORE..