
Snow Sex

Oct 14, 2003
I am new here. Just got my compooter. I came here cuz every1 local 2 me is gehy and lykes gehy music that is not amon amarth and iz there4 gehY! lolz
Belgar said:
Hi, my name is Belgar, I like Jaegermeister and Guinness, do you want to be my friend?

I love computers too .... that is unless I spill beer on my keyboard. I also enjoy naked women and hard bowel movements in the morning.

My n a m e is Forest, Forest Gump........and my mama always said...so now we're strangers no more, or some shit like that

Have u heard of Seattle Seven?

It's me and six other guys.
LOL ALL U GUYS CRACK ME UP LOL!! Anyways welcome to the board Snow Sex, nice name too hehe very kool. yes nothin better then a good shit in the morn especially when it's clean cut. lol
Welcome to the forum. What a coincidence, Belgar, I like naked chicks too!

"What is this shit! What is this bull....shit! I dont fucking care; it don't matter to Jesus!"

Sory Tomasz, I couldn't resist.
ur all stoopid illighterate jurks xcep burning creation. i hop u all loose ur ballz + neba half kjidz!