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It's a pain in the ass to deal with. I used to have long hair until I was 15. After I cut it, it felt cleaner, more comfortable, easier to take care of.
I also looked like a complete bum when I didn't have my hair cut.
Every person I tell about my balding tells me to cut it short. I HATED it short. What the fuck is wrong with all of you? I looked terrible. Not that I look much better now, but its slightly improved.

im on that road, my hair brush always seems to collect a horrifying ammount of loose hair. I was told that cutting it short would help but I, like you, feel that I look even worse with short hair.
I like having long hair but its a bitch to deal with flying everywhere when its windy and cleaning and shit but i still like it. if you don't want long hair cut it, but if you cut it because someone tells you to or makes fun of you then lame.
How do you call it? It's not really short, not really long:
A mullet? ^_^
A nice hair length depends on the person's face.
I've had both. I started with hair to my waist (and bananna bangs :zombie:) and then I decided to chop it all off when I was 16. Short hair was so convenient; just wash and go..I rarely ever brushed it. I prefer long hair now, even though after-shower tangles can be hell.

And for most guys...long hair is hot :oops:
People who call other people gay for choosing to keep their hair short because *gasp!!!!* they like it that way are the type of people I wouldn't piss on to put out if they were on fire. Not only because of something this trivial, but usually they are elitist fucks in all aspects of their life and have a one-dimensional outlook on all things in life, including their precious "metuuuul". These are the people who go to concerts to purposely hurt people for the fun of it, and then bitch about why everyone's a dick to them. Think about it...when was the last time you saw someone who's nice throw shit at someone else because of the length of their hair?

If that makes me somehow "less" of a metalhead, then I want nothing to do with being associated with metalheads. They've played into every stereotype about metalheads and sadly, have proven every naysayer right. I'll listen to my metal and play in my bands, but if the scene has become this elitist, they can all go die in a fire. I've been listening to metal since I was 5 years a dick.
People who call other people gay for choosing to keep their hair short because *gasp!!!!* they like it that way are the type of people I wouldn't piss on to put out if they were on fire. Not only because of something this trivial, but usually they are elitist fucks in all aspects of their life and have a one-dimensional outlook on all things in life, including their precious "metuuuul". These are the people who go to concerts to purposely hurt people for the fun of it, and then bitch about why everyone's a dick to them. Think about it...when was the last time you saw someone who's nice throw shit at someone else because of the length of their hair?

If that makes me somehow "less" of a metalhead, then I want nothing to do with being associated with metalheads. They've played into every stereotype about metalheads and sadly, have proven every naysayer right. I'll listen to my metal and play in my bands, but if the scene has become this elitist, they can all go die in a fire. I've been listening to metal since I was 5 years a dick.
A nice big generalization with a "holier than thou" sucker punch at the end!

Nice post :rolleyes:
A nice big generalization with a "holier than thou" sucker punch at the end!

Nice post :rolleyes:

That wasn't aimed at anyone on the forum. I know some people like that...and I was referring to those who are like those people.

Besides, I've been up for about 32 hours, I'm in no state to think straight anyway.

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