Halcyon Way - A Manifesto For Domination Update


Guitars - Halcyon Way
Nov 9, 2003
Thankfully.....we have an update on this. THIS is the Iliad. THIS. This is the Odyssey. THIS.....is Chinese Democracy. We wanted to put an announcement out on Blabbermouth on April Fool's Day saying that we had renamed the record Chinese Democracy, but we chickened out.

In all seriousness, here's what's been up for those that care. As you all know, we have hired James Murphy to mix & master the record.

We found out in January that there were some technical issues with our guitar tracks that needed to be corrected. James & I decided that the easiest way to do this would be for me to travel down to Tampa for a week and hole up in the studio with Chaz Najjar and rerecord the rhythm guitars.

So I went down there in March for a week and re-did all that stuff. Came home, went on vacation....and GOT THE CALL. From Chaz, that is. Turns out, Pro Tools 7.x.x had a glitch to where it randomly sends the actual recorded files to a random hidden folder on the C drive rather than the folder you specify in the project.

SO....long story short, Chaz's Mac at the entire session. He sent it off to a data recovery service and got about 40-50% back. Digidesign, for the record, were complete douches when he called for help.

Ends up Chaz travelled on his own dime up here to the Atl to stay with me for another week while we redid the stuff again. We also tracked drums while he was here for 4 unnamed cover songs which will see the light of day soon, and we got some drums to demo out 2 songs which will be on the next record.

Anyway....here's the deal:

We are next on the agenda for James and the mixdown should be complete around the end of the month. If everything works out on the record deal on the table, the album will see the light of day in August, just in time for our tour with Sacred Steel & Persuader in September. You can hear "Blind Eyes To The Sky" on our myspace page - www.myspace.com/halcyonway - and that's a rough mix that we've had for a while, and it's a good indicator of how killer the album is going to sound.

In addition, we had some cool guest appearances on the album - Jonah from Pyramaze did some keys, and Blaze from The Souls Unrest did some death vocals on it as well.

We're looking forward to getting this thing out there so everyone can argue about it on the board! =)
No....it's already broken!!!! This thing is 3+ years in the making. The end result is going to be much better than we expected, though, so it's gonna be sweet when it's finally out!
SWEET....so you bought a 4-track cassette recorder from a pawn shop to record the new album on with the proceeds? Dude, I can't wait to totally rock the parachute pants I got at goodwill next to the pawn shop to hear it!

I'm ridin, they hatin'. =)

I am an unabashed CAPITALIST OPPRESSOR. I give people jobs and pay more taxes than 98% of the US citizens. I'm the man trying to keep the brotha down!!!!!!

<steps off soapbox>
Well, if all goes well on the deal we'll have it out in August from the looks of it, but they only have non-US retail (Europe, Canada, etc). You'll be able to special order it through Century Media and The End, and you should be able to get it from iTunes and Amazon as well.