Half-ton man keeps loses 300 pounds

Kevin (boss #1) hasn't even made an effort to say goodbye to me. Cheryl (boss #2) gave me a hug 2 weeks ago before leaving on vacation and said "I'm sure we'll talk sometime". Sunny (boss #3) because I couldn't give him an exact time that I would be able to go to lunch today is giving away the spot he had "saved" for me today because he is too busy for me. These are people I have spent the last 2 years with. People I have done so much for. I don't have a paycheck today, I don't have a goodbye card to my name, and not so much as a "so long" phone call. I feel like crying right now. It really fucking sucks. I even had to go as far as telling my boss' mom Wendy that I am keeping my office keys until I get paid. I actually have to hold collateral for my fucking paycheck!!! My co-worker is looking up the labor laws on that right now so I can give my boss a "By the way fuck you here's an order from small claims court". They have 4 hours to prove to me that they aren't total assholes, but I doubt very much that will happen.
I was reading that post outloud to one of my co-workers and started crying. At least they are cool, I will miss them and that is about it. I just can't believe it. When most people on earth are all pricks why did I assume these people would be any different? Just one more lesson learned about hating people and never giving anything my "all" for fear of getting fucked over.
there's no reason to hate people just because they are not necessarily always doing what we'd like them to do. i always assume that w/o realizing it, i am probably a complete jerk 5-10 times a day. and that's alright. you should never hate anyone though. you never know who will turn around and put a curse on you. (right alex?)