Halford desires to work with Ihsahn


Wasteland Survivor
Mar 5, 2003
Underneath your bed
I found this news to be interesting, so I posted it for all to see and dispel rumors of this...

JUDAS PRIEST singer ROB HALFORD spoke to BW&BK yesterday (October 27th) about a number of topics including the forthcoming flurry of HALFORD reissues that will hit Apple's iTunes Music Store at the end of November via MGE (Metal God Entertainment - Halford's new label) and the Nostradamus concept album that Judas Priest are currently working on. Halford also talked about his black metal yearnings and revealed his desire to work with EMPEROR frontman IHSAHN. "Where it is cold and wet and dark and damp, that is where some of the greatest metal in the world comes from - Norway Sweden and Denmark, those climates," Halford explains. "I have to do my black album with Ihsahn at some point. It's a burning desire of mine to park myself in Scandinavia for awhile and work with that genius. He's making a second solo record - (the follow-up) to The Adversary (2006), which I couldn't stop playing. I have this burning desire to make at least one record with Ihsahn at some point, just me and him together. That's just on my list of haven't been there, haven't done that yet."
Wow, I really, REALLY wouldn't expect that from Halford. I guess that's pretty cool though. I can't even think about what they would produce.
Wow. That would be great. I hope it happens. Does Ihsahn know Halford wants to do this I wonder?
why is it strange? halford is as metal as it gets, and knows more about the genre than just about anyone...and ihsahn has been an avid priest fan since we was about 12. why is this blowing minds?

edit: hes also been very outspoken about loving emperor for a LONG LONG time.
My Man Mahmoud said:
On a serious note, both men have a real talent for writing, but are their heads in the right place?


in my opinion...theyve both passed their primes. and in order to not tarnish their past great achievements...they TRULY need to reinvent themselves something fierce.
doubt they'll do anything groundbreaking but wold be nice. also didn't halford try to do a tour with all sorts of metal bands like immortal/testament/isahn or something? I mean I thought it was common knowledge he was into bm
NineFeetUnderground said:

in my opinion...theyve both passed their primes. and in order to not tarnish their past great achievements...they TRULY need to reinvent themselves something fierce.

I agree, though retirement may be the right answer for both of them. Ihsahn might have good music left in him, but someone needs to sit him down, lock him in a room with Emperor and In the Nightside Eclipse on repeat, then shock him on the nuts every time he even THINKS about dropping a sweep into his next album.
My Man Mahmoud said:
I agree, though retirement may be the right answer for both of them. Ihsahn might have good music left in him, but someone needs to sit him down, lock him in a room with Emperor and In the Nightside Eclipse on repeat, then shock him on the nuts every time he even THINKS about dropping a sweep into his next album.

yes, another nightside eclipse would make a ton of sense. only with halford on vocals this time. :rolleyes: