Halford desires to work with Ihsahn

My Man Mahmoud said:
Anthems... was mediocre at best, and suffered from a grandiosity of technique and a shortage of song to go with it. Lots of spectacular playing wasted on verse/chorus arrangements (and lots of booming, fully orchestrated keys doing nothing but doubling the guitar line - BOOOOOORRRRRRRRINNNNG).

i cant say anthems was "mediocre at best"...BUT it sure was the beginning of the end in many respects. It had the pretentia of prometheus in many respects, but lacked all the sincerity almost of nightside. I actually prefer IX equilibrium to anthems due to the fact that it isnt trying to be something it isnt. however its hardly an "emperor" record, but i think it actually just manages to pull off what anthems couldnt really do...even though at that point emperor had become a mere shadow of its former self. prometheus followed suit...in an even worse light in my opinion.

bottom line...i dont listen to black metal bands for "technicality". if i did, id just put dodheimsgard and abigor on repeat all day. bands that shed the integrity, atmosphere and the overall validity of said genre, to achieve a more "musicality" aproach but proceed in just a shallow technical boost lose their luster in my eyes, and therefore arent worth paying attention to.
NineFeetUnderground said:
bottom line...i dont listen to black metal bands for "technicality".

Agreed, and if it's there and done well, then all well and good. But seriously, Burzum and a million other bands would completely suck balls were it even a nanometre more technical.

Simplicity and directness is the meat of true Black Metal - but thats not to say such a "rule" is and has to remain absolute.
NineFeetUnderground said:
but you dont like judas priest...makes tons of sense. your parents must be proud.

They are and i'm really sorry for not fitting your "what music you should like" list. I'm really trying to listen to the same music as you do, so I can be as cool and elite as you are here. :erk:
illidurit said:
the only reason anyone listens to judas priest is to be like nfu

This is infact true. Another little known fact is that NFU is the reason that Halford is gay.