Halloween Costumes

What was I?




Paris Hilton in 20 Years!
nice to see some people still celebrate Halloween! It's pathetic, we only had like 10 trick or treaters, there were hardly any channels showing horror flicks, the stores didn't decorate, nothing. I kept forgetting it was Halloween! I was gonna put on corpse paint, but I didn't have any paint...damn! Shaye, you look like Dani Filth hahaha
Shit, I'll upload pictures of my house tonight. Didn't do as much decorating as I usually do though... Couldn't because I have like 3 HUGE boxes of Halloween stuff. I had a minor surgery a week ago yesterday (I'm fine) and the Dr.'s said NO HEAVY LIFTING. Grrr.

But I did scare the hell out of a bunch of kids. Do you know that if you scare a High School boy, he screams like a little girl?

I was hiding under our Evergreen tree last night. A couple of Jr. High boys started talking shit. I could hear them 3 houses down using the dirtiest language ever. They walked up to my house and said, "look the candy's sitting right there, let's just take the whole bucket!"

Now they were starting early in the eve. They were only the 3rd kids up... So as they walked up the drive way, I snuck out behind them. Keep in mind, my house was covered in decorations and I didn't have any regular lights on. Only black lights. So as the kid grabbed the bowl with candy, I was right behind him. He picked up the bowl, I tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around all I said was "BOO. I'll take that thank you."

He jumped and screamed and started to run. I called to him that that he needed to replace the candy he just took. I made him reach in his bag and fill it back up. I didn't care if it was the candy we had in there our not.

I don't think he'll have the balls to do that again next year...

MetalRose said:
He jumped and screamed and started to run. I called to him that that he needed to replace the candy he just took. I made him reach in his bag and fill it back up. I didn't care if it was the candy we had in there our not.

I don't think he'll have the balls to do that again next year...


:lol: :lol: LMAO! :lol: :lol:

We had a lot of teens and a few youngsters. One little one had a train engine built around him and the candy receptacle was the smoke stack. The best costume I've seen yet.
dargormudshark said:
nice to see some people still celebrate Halloween! It's pathetic, we only had like 10 trick or treaters, there were hardly any channels showing horror flicks, the stores didn't decorate, nothing. I kept forgetting it was Halloween! I was gonna put on corpse paint, but I didn't have any paint...damn! Shaye, you look like Dani Filth hahaha

Hell, all the stores around here have had Christmas stuff out for a few weeks now. By the time Christmas rolls around I'm sick of it.

We finally had good weather for Halloween this year so we bought extra candy figuring the kids would be out in droves. No such luck. And we have a ton of candy left over.
I was dressed up as a Mobster girl.

Metal, that was priceless! That's why we love you.

I was handing candy out to the youngsters as well. It brought a tear to my eye when this little girl (about3-4 years old) said "Trick or Treat" and thanked us and smiled as she was walking away.
kittybeast said:
This is why I always buy Halloween candy I don't like this way no temptation when there's tons left!!!

:D Yeah that would work if there was any kind of candy that I don't like. :)
lady_space said:
lmao, perfect!

Here's me:


Ha ha ha the first two look great. You should just smile and be "Shayler, the friendly vampire" because you don't make a good evil face dear. I still want to pinch your cheek and tell you "that's such a cute costume Shaye-bee-poo."

kittybeast said:
Lookin great ladies!!! although I think Shaye may have scared her kitty.

I went to the Danzig show 10/29/05

Awesome outfit. I bet Glenn wanted to give you head when he saw you and he wouldn't even have to bend over much.

MetalRose said:
Here's Tracey:


-Metal the Halloween QUeen

That is extremely cool !! Believe it or not.... when I dress up in a suit, I actually wear suits you would normally see a suave black man in (and trust me, though I'm not handsome, I do make those suits look good or well vice-versa anyway) but I have always wanted a "zoot suit" which is what the gangsters made famous in the 30's. They are SOO expensive for nice ones though.... Great costume. I love that early gangster look.
