Halo 2

Fuck! My game is scratched. They put the game on top of the bonus DVD inside the case, and it looks like someone threw the game in the ground. Fucking great. I stand in the cold for an hour and I can't even enjoy the damn thing until I take it back in the morning.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Seriously. My uncle just got robbed at gunpoint, my other uncle is in the hospital for by-pass surgery, two of my grandparents found out they have cancer, my 4 year old dog might have cancer in her shoulder (vet bills fucking suck!) and then the one happy spot in my otherwise doom-as-fuck week has to be torn away from me.

Should I even bother stepping out of the house tomorrow for fear of an airplane falling on my head?
I only played halo on PC and it was shit

ODB hope the pooch is okay, doom falling down like rain as robert johnson might have said
I can't believe myself. I think I just fell into the hype pit.
I liked the first halo. I mean I wasn't a huge fan by any means, but some areas had nice atmosphere, the game was fun to play most of the time and I did had long marathons with it (from mid day till 4am and so on o_O ). Haven't played it since I first beat it (tho I think it would be a nice experience still)

Yet I wasn't _that_ excited to hear halo 2 is on it's way and haven't bothered reading much about it. y'know, it's just a game and all that. "Ill get it when the price drops and nerds ain't shouting high praises anymore"

until today I read the first review from a trusted magazine and was urged to scroll tens of pages of fan boys' wet expectations and most importantly found out this one big chain here is selling it (starting tomorrow) for 45e. (cheapest ive seen so far was more than 55e).
And suddenly I'm nervous, trigger finger itching, calculating my budget if it allows me to have the game for the weekend already! :yell: I AM FUCKED! :yell:
so, anyone has this baby yet? I already hyped myself up yesterday with the first game (and got hooked again :p) and was supposed to pick this sequel up today for mere 39e (sheesh...) but them busses are on fuckin strike at the moment!!! :yell: aaah, irony, that immortal little bastard!