Halo 2


Hail Satan!
holy shit there are some realy fucking awful texture problems. Not only during cutscenes but during all modes of gameplay. Bungie even admitted that it was too much for xbox to handle.
but i will tell ya this the french version i have on my modified xbox has no problems so it must be the fact that it reads it off of the disc on a regular box and off the hardrive on my modified one. so i'll just rip the copy i bought to replace the leaked french version and move my save game to it and use the other for xbox live.
like i said the game is awesome. but be warned halo fans the framerate and texture loading is very noticably slow.
BTW if anyone is gonna get on live or even Xlink let me know and we'll throw down.
my live gamertag is Johnny Bartlett (make sure there's a space)

You've been on my (Snidedude)'s friends list for a while. But have we ever played anything?
ThraxDude said:
You've been on my (Snidedude)'s friends list for a while. But have we ever played anything?
nope we have not but if you have halo2 we can or if you use xlink thats also good. what system link/ live games do you have? all i have for live is halo2 but i've prolly got quite a few syslink games on my modded box.

and don't worry about it steve it's all good

I have Project Gotham Racing 2, Mech Assault, and Unreal Championship.

I'll probably be on Xbox live a lot next week...

btw- I don't notice too many problems with the graphics on Halo 2. Just a few.
ThraxDude said:
I have Project Gotham Racing 2, Mech Assault, and Unreal Championship.

I'll probably be on Xbox live a lot next week...

btw- I don't notice too many problems with the graphics on Halo 2. Just a few.

hmmmm.... thats realy strange maybe it's just my box? oh i guess i have mech assault since it came with my live account. so do you have halo 2 as well?
Rellikyssup that or just Rellik i always use Rellikyssup on xbox live been playn halo 2 liv and finding a game sucks, but other than that no complaints yet
The only thing I noticed is a short pause when Halo 2 saves the check points. It's definitely a longer pause then on the 1st Halo. Other then that I haven't seen any problems at all. Slow frame rate? I haven't noticed.

My gamer tag is Twisted Tony. Maybe we'll run into each other. But probably not this weekend. I've been playing the game for hours all week, campaign and multiplayer. I need to rest my fingers and pay a little more attention to my wife or I am going to be gettin' a divorce cause of this game!
Jono said:
hmmmm.... thats realy strange maybe it's just my box? oh i guess i have mech assault since it came with my live account. so do you have halo 2 as well?
Oh yeah. Halo 2 is what I'll be playing A LOT this week. Hope to see you and other Anthrax board members on there!