

Mar 17, 2007
Örebro, Sweden
Here's a new demo song for the "gay" project as any tr00 blabbermouth-metallist would call it.
I deliberately made the drums kina loud, but may be it's over the top..

There are some recycled riffs in this one :) It's not very metal in any way, so the rhythm guitar sound is nothing special really, not one chug in the whole song. Or wait, there is actually ONE chug haha..

Same samples as usual
Revalver II for this one.. nothing special.
Pitched guitar for the bass again :D

Anyway here it is:
Wow I could really feel that kick :D It was nice!

The overall sound is also good, don't know how finished you are with it but it was nice to listen to.

And the most important of all, the actual music, I liked it, especially the middle section where the solo type of thing comes in. Really cool song, mellow but still edgy... has some nice feel to it.

Good job man!
*copy/paste from all previous threads of your songs* Wow dude...great stuff! When are you going to finally release a CD of all your songs?? ;) Seriously...I like it. I like all your crazy stuff, but this is a really nice change and pleasant to listen to.
Sounds very cozy!
I think the guitars lack a tad body, great otherwise.
Good work on the pitched-guitar-bass, wouldn't have guessed it was a guitar.
What kick is that? Superior?
Sickan: Glad you dig it! :) Yeah I agree about the geetars.. Nope, the kick is not from dfhs. I made it by blending the "KICK"-sampe in my sample collection with the "speedmtl"-kick from the DM5-collection. I could make a sample if you want it.

Lasse Lammert: Thank you sir :D

grywolf627: Haha :p I'd like to get some vocals down before trying to make something more with this music :)

Gojira_: Tack som fan! Well I guess it's finished, I could change some things but hey it's just a demo I guess :) I'm actually only satisfied with it to that part, I guess we'll re-arrange (as most of the songs) it if we ever start rehearsing :)
Great sense of space in this. I like how loud the drums are. Definately a keeper!

One thing, is it just me or is the solo kinda hard to hear?
Hmm, the "not hearing the melody guitar"-thing seems to be a headphone syndrome.. Because I can hear it perfectly haha... Usually I don't even listen to my stuff through other stuff, I have to get myself a pair of monitors. Or do monitors have to cost $$3527859302457328905423 to be decent?
Hmm, the "not hearing the melody guitar"-thing seems to be a headphone syndrome.. Because I can hear it perfectly haha... Usually I don't even listen to my stuff through other stuff, I have to get myself a pair of monitors. Or do monitors have to cost $$3527859302457328905423 to be decent?

Unfortunately... there are no good monitors in the "starter" price, I've been there myself and checked some out but I got warned by people not to buy anything else than the standard recommendations that do cost a bit. I guess 6-8k swedish kronors should get you something "recommended".

My rehearsal place isn't the best sounding of all places, AND I have my studio gear in a corner, so I would need some serious audio treatment so I just got myself BeyerDynamic DT-990PRO instead so I'm also a headphone guy... nothing to do but getting used to it, I'm not gonna spend 2000$ on a little hobby corner studio :)
Behindert, have you heard of Nemorosa? I got in touch with the singer (he also produce their demos and stuff), and if I remember correctly, he recorded everything at home with Amplitube 2, programmed drums, and he mixed on a pair of crappy standard Creative computer speakers. - The Rapist.mp3

Here is what it sounds like and it's much better than many things I've heard that have been mixed through "professional" stuff by amateurs. :)
Here's a new demo song for the "gay" project as any tr00 blabbermouth-metallist would call it.

If this song is "gay" as you called it, then I guess I'm here chugging some serious cock, because I thought it was fantastic. (The song, that is, not the chugging). Shit, now that I think about it, I must be gay, because not only do I love this song, I like mixing projects in Cubase/Nuendo, which apparently is like mixing with a dildo up your ass according to Dom Ostarig and Moonlapse!
If this song is "gay" as you called it, then I guess I'm here chugging some serious cock, because I thought it was fantastic. (The song, that is, not the chugging). Shit, now that I think about it, I must be gay, because not only do I love this song, I like mixing projects in Cubase/Nuendo, which apparently is like mixing with a dildo up your ass according to Dom Ostarig and Moonlapse!


Hahaha :D
Gojira_: Haha... 6-8k, that's utterly ridicilous. That's more than my car's worth :D Same for me then. I checked out Nemorosa, sounds great! Very impressive, sounds better than lots of stuff and I really liked the music too :) The guy's got some talent, that's for sure. I'll just stick with the headphones and might buy myself a pair of sub par Creative speakers with a sub :) I guess your ears are what's most important afer all.

pifos_2: Thanks! And yes there's some clipping there.. I think there is at several places haha..

Splat88: hahah dude.. Really glad you dig it, means alot! Well I also enjoy mixing in Cubase, so I guess I'll join the club then.

abyssofdreams: The horror...

jauernis: Thanks! I use the reverb that comes with cubase :) I think it's called "Reverb A" The snare sample is in the .rar with my samples.. I think that one is called "dry" something. But I think it's only like 2 samples there, so I've made a bunch more by blending those with another snare, I'll post those later! The cleans are the "clean chorus" preset in Revalver mkII, just with the reverb made bigger :)