New track, a bit different :)

colynomial: sounds like those are in EVERY VSTi that's come out in the past 5 years ...

Actually to an electronic producer/listener the synths sound very boring and old.

I do like the track for its guitar/drums. The electronics are mediocre and if you took them out, the track wouldn't lose anything at all (which is kinda the problem of ALL electronic rock/metal bands - they are usually just metal with some electronics added and not based on the synths). The riffs are fuckin' slaying, man!
soooo, ive cum like 9 times so far listening to this haha

the end is absolutely ridiculous I cant stand it..

i think its a mix between the insane heaviness of the guitars + the BAAAOOOUUWWWW mentioned about + the holy god high pitched squeals that are just ughhhhhhh yes!