New track, a bit different :)

hhahah Good name indeed!

I actually came to take a look to this post because of your name :lol:
seriously you ought to develop this into a style in itself, epic trance metal could be a major breakthrough!

(yes i know it's kindof been done before, but not quite like this)

funny thing, thats exactly the goal of my current Band.

well, Modernized Black Metal with heavy trance and electronic influence.

lots of keys and synth :)

but besides, we dont have anywere near as good post production.
dude... you have no idea how many minds i just melt by sending this around to a few friends... it's soo good- please tell me those are soft synths and that i can obtain them easily... i've been looking for some good sequenced or arpeggiated sounds like those without having to buy a 1500 dollar keyboard for forever!

amazing track, definately a unique sound...
Yea thats awesome
I actually been working on stuff simular to this (rewire) but my playing isnt that good im a drummer
I use reason 3 with SX3 that program shit can be amazing
everyime i get started i never run out of ideas
Good work :cheers:
may i ask how you start/structure your songs as you make them? i find this the hardest part...i usually make a 2 bar loop, then give up.. and make another 2 bar loop..

I know your not asking me but i usually start with a riff and add the techno shit later, or i just start writing in reason (makin beatz as some would say lol) and i get guitar ideas from that
hope this could help ya :rock:
I know your not asking me but i usually start with a riff and add the techno shit later, or i just start writing in reason (makin beatz as some would say lol) and i get guitar ideas from that
hope this could help ya :rock:

Cheers mate!

I agree, starting with the riff is the easiest. I guess it's just a motivation issue lol..damn it!
Necromancer197666: I just used some samples from a template to a trance/techno song in FL :)

colynomial: haha, that's nice! :) I think you get get really far by using cheap software synths, as long as you know how to use them.. This is actually the first time I've added samples like this :)
Cool song, but those synths in the beginning come directly from a demo song included with FL. :P

E: Now that I listen to the whole thing, quite a few parts in this song come from those demo songs (the bit at 3:42 for instance). Could've at least changed the synth settings a bit, mang.
Cool song, but those synths in the beginning come directly from a demo song included with FL. :P

E: Now that I listen to the whole thing, quite a few parts in this song come from those demo songs (the bit at 3:42 for instance). Could've at least changed the synth settings a bit, mang.

He already acknowledged that above.