


We have finally completed our album. It has been... "leaked". I hope you enjoy it. If you do enjoy it, please have a listen to our back catalogue (which may be hosted in the new future, depending on demand).
You may notice that this album is a lot longer than our other ones. It has been nearly 3 years in the making. I recommend you sit back and listen to the whole thing in one go. Or listen to it in 2 seperate parts perhaps.


I'd like to thank Dean Pasaris for his fantastic contributions to this album that have given him a permanent role in the band. I would also like to thank Carbonized for designing the album cover. It was an instant approval from the other members on the album cover, so thank you. Also thanks to Shane, Manch, Watson, Big Al, and various other unsuspecting individuals that have found themselves as unwilling guests on the album. And thanks to our fans.

Also a big thanks to the all parabolic one, the Arch Of Victory of SOT2.0 for hosting the album for us!

We even built a monument in your honour right here in ballarat, in 1914.

Those who have heard us before know what to expect, those of you who have not heard us before, keep an open mind, feel free to laugh, and feel free to hate us. But if you do not enjoy the album, listen to it all the way through, because I want you to get more and more annoyed. So by the end of the 80 minutes, I want you to be fuming.

Here is the album cover:



And here are the songs, Please enjoy:


Apologies for the big images, but after 3 years, I am way too lazy to resize!!

For those of you who are new to us, our past albums and their covers and some info on the band can be found here:


That site is dead old old! And for an even older site, there's this one!


If you are interested in hearing these albums, please contact me via MSN: mcodykushantaiidan@hotmail.com or via email kushantaiidan@gmail.com or search for us on Direct Connect hub paladin.sublevels.net

And in the near future we will probably host those albums on sotmusicianguild as well!

Please, any feedback, good and very bad is welcome! But before giving bad feedback, listen to the whole album!!

Good Morning

Isn't it a good morning. Welcome to the new day.

Friends Pant's

Isn't it nice when friends get together, and we telephone japan. Communication is unique.

We found a mobile phone number in some kind of hentai game, and rang the number and recorded it. It was joyous.

In The Vale Of Wizards, He Assembled His Dark Host At Night

It might be day, but it is also might sometimes. New faces appear and the inside life is revealed!

I recorded the main guitar part to some drums, and in a completely seperate situation, dean recorded him and his mate mucking around on their guitar. Each part was recorded without the knowledge of the other part. And I just put the two together, and WHUP, BANG, POW!!! They fitted together! And they shoot golf balls, and it's in the middle of the city. Wow! In the meantime, Microsoft Sam is quoting what chris was telling me about his programming subject at university.

Boogey Time

Now that we are under way, in the morning, it is time to get moving. We have to move to this melody in certain ways only.

Chris recorded this using a small keyboard that his cuisins had or something. I dunno how he did it... But it makes me wanna boogey.


Playing can be stressful unless of course, there is victory.

Well.. I was playing Bubble Bobble.. my friends recorded me while I played with headophones on in my own little world.

Hey Look It's Jeff Fenneck (Gotta go catch him ya mongrels)

Sometimes aggression is needed, but beauty is also within, but sometimes there is an interuption, and rude ppl drop in. Who should it happen to?

This might have been a full blackmetal song, until the record died from lightning, and strange music and messages from strange devils under the road rudely interupted my passions.


Laughing at laughter makes more laughing. We hope you can laugh too.

Well, chris and andrew recorded themselves laughing, then played it back, and laughed at themselves laughing, and recorded that and played it back and so on. When I hear this song, I can't help laughing myself.


This idea will make us millions.

We beleive this could be a succesful entrepeneuring venture. A website where you can buy, sell and trade slaves, from the very comfort of your own home!

Bird & Cat

Sometime they chase each other. It can be a fun chase for one of them.

A Song chris made. It's yummeh.

Mr Man

He is there and speaks sometimes but not really very much. Nor very often.

This song is simply a rocking track, of rock and roll.


This could be religious, but much beauty is found but can end in disaster.

This song is simply a laid back summer sun day.


An epic musical, with opera trained vocalists exerting professionalism.

It's some kind of melody.

We Have No Mango

Searching frantically for the sweet forbidden fruit. So frantic that it is fun.

A midi track written and recorded by chris. It is a longing for mangos and a look back over the horizon to a land where birds and cats are.

Mama Bird

She watches over us. Makes you feel safe.

Mamabird is flying over, watching us. I do not know how chris made this song.

Tinkle Me Pagglefank

Harmonics and melody play a large part in this song.

Many mood swings make this quite an epic.


Is this not a great symphony. Doesn't the orchestra have a great timbre. The accoustics are good as well. Very expensive. But such a small horse needs a special song. One day it will grow into a stallion.

Another midi track by chris. I think this is a rather masterful tune.

Papa Bird

Is he watching over us? Or is he just flying around having fun. I still think he is very wise.

Just as mamabird watches us, papabird also flies over majestically, scanning the horizone for incoming danger. He protects us. I have no idea how I made this song. I cant even remember doing it.. sorta just..

Breakfast Beats In Neo Tokyo

The sites and sounds of tokyo of the future as seen in the 80's. Can you feel it. I hope the future is brighter than they predict.

When you listen to this, imagine an old school anime, made in the 80's, set in a futuristic tokyo... This track was made by tweaking a lot of nobs in realtime over beats and whatnot I had prepared in the oven earlier and last morning.

You Think It's Relaxing in G#

Like a summers day after snax in the night, a new morning can be quite relaxing.

Just as you think you are getting relaxed, tuning out of the music, sitting back, this song will make you think it's relaxing. I had food poisoning when me and chris recorded this track. I beleive he was spot on in keeping within the G# major key...

Spasiba Ax

I was listening in on the world. People say some things sometimes, it can be musical, the harmonies vast, the stories epic.

This track nearly didn't make it onto the album. It's more of a soundscape than anything else, as well as various samples from me hanging around on ventrillo, annoying various ppl, and listening into their daily lives.

Lepus Intereo Quoniam Bellum Est Abyssus

In the worst of times, only laughter may be the cure. Emotions of a turbulant era are allowed to surface.

Well, this is just a bunch of things put together. I hope you can laugh along too.

Killed To Death

If you kill things enough, they die, and nursery rhymes sometimes help.

Dean made the music, I made the mouth noises. the lyrics are Ring Of Rosie, repeated until my throat got too sore..

Chante Avec Le Prisonnier Allemand

Sometimes when you capture a bird it sings. If you can sing along, it is a good thing, even if you do not know the words.

Do hum along won't you?


It is the end of the day. I hope you enjoyed a day with us. We did a lot. Thank you.

The End! Goodnight! Have a good sleep!

Secrit track!

greg has the day off. he's probably lying in bed dreaming about posting right now, but i don't think he's developed the ability to actually post through psychic venues yet.
ah the hammering moss guys don't bother me. i mean if you don't like the thread then just ignore it and it eventually will go away because of all the other threads will push it downwards. i mean that's what happens to like 50% of my threads.
mindspell said:
You think?


Would have a been a bit better if it didn't sound like a press release.

Making it sound like that is sorta all part of the presentation. We've release 6 "albums" on the UM forums since 2001, all as a fun thing, a serious fun thing. It all started on the opeth forum, then went to SOT, and I've always lurked here, but never gotten into the groove of this forum, but thought I'd post it anyway. So stop being such a poopey pants and have a listen. And don't make me call you poopey pants again.
Baliset said:
ah the hammering moss guys don't bother me. i mean if you don't like the thread then just ignore it and it eventually will go away because of all the other threads will push it downwards. i mean that's what happens to like 50% of my threads.

Yeah.. Most posts I've done here sorta... dissapear.. But I was always like OMG KAYODOT ROCK YOU GUYS ARE COOL.. and never said much else! Hence I went unnoticed. I rarely post on UM at all anymore. But the word of the moss must be spread!
Astral Poetry said:
The lyrics and explanations were quite funny. Having the word moss in your name reminds me of maudlin for some odd reason.

The name was devised when we were having a coffee in the morning after a big night, in someones backyard... And there was a hammering, and I was hitting the moss growing inbetween the cracks in the concrete with the hammer. It made a cool sound. Hammering Moss.