Handful of Rain

"Watch your women and your whiskey
When your future's in you past
And you're starring up at Heaven
From the bottom of a glass..."

I think we will be getting more than a handful!! :tickled:

Let's Get Wet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Harvester said:
That's possibly my favorite Savatage lyric.

Glenn H.

That's waaaaaaaaaaay cool!! My all time fav band is Sava. I think my favorite quote is the ENTIRE album STREETS!!!!

How 'bout this one:

"...So I plot and I plan
I hope and I scheme
To the lure of a night
Filled with unfinished dreams (Jon always points to the skies here - wonder why??)
And I'm holding on tight
To a world gone astray
As they charge me for years
That I just can't pay..."

God, I love my Sava. :worship:

Mine fave Sava' lyric is 'When The Crowds Are Gone'...the whole song is brilliant.

I never wanted to know
Never wanted to see
I wasted my time
Till time wasted me
(simple, yet profoundly deep)
Never wanted to go
Always wanted to stay
'Cause the persons I am
Are the parts that I play
So I plot and I plan
Hope and I scheme
To the lure of a night
Filled with unfinished dreams
I'm holding on tight
To a world gone astray
As they charge me for years
I can no longer pay
I'm reallly hoping we hear "Crowds" at PP....not least because it's been stuck in my head, and some friends', for the last few weeks. Set the wayback machine for last Monday evening: I'm walking across the curiously empty atrium lobby of the Hyatt downtown...'curiously empty' because only 12 hours before, it had been jam-packed and mobbed with fellow SF/fantasy aficionados for Dragon*Con...and I couldn't resist belting out "When the crowds are gooooooooooonnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee" in my best (i.e., pretty damned lousy) Jon Oliva-voice. I just kinda let go. It had been a long, fun weekend.

The bellhops stared.
The desk-staff stared.
The concierge stared.
A guy I know from one of the bands who'd played the convention gave me a huge grin and a thumbs-up. Yay!
SavaVIDude said:
Filled with unfinished dreams (Jon always points to the skies here - wonder why??)

serious question?

I think he does it because the untimely death of one of the most gifted guitarists of our times, Criss Oliva, finished Criss' dreams and the dreams of his brother Jon and the ones of Criss' wife and all the dreams of those directly affected by Criss' death........