Old School Metal Album Cover On A New Band's Disc

Napalm Death - Distorting the Medium

I'm sorry Jim. In the age of a billlion lyrics on the net, and search engines...
(me recognizing lyrics off hand is very rare, as I rarely memorize).

Good lyrics for this thread though/
edgeofthorns said:
Pellaz, Jesus Christ can't please some people dude! I'm going to check it out regardless. The way I look at it is, if some American young guns are wanting to add some traditional elements into their new music like so many of our European friends, then I'll support it! :headbang:
Good for you, Edge. I've enjoyed the new Trivium (something I never thought I'd say given their past propensity for metalcore). Is it album of the year? Certainly not. Not even top ten for me. But it is a solid album and a very good listen if you like old Metallica and Testament. More importantly, it's a step in the right direction...that being any direction other than metalcore/emo. :D
Warthog said:
"Fake and forced" indeed. This album is a prime example of a band mixing all the right influences and going nowhere. I hear notes of classic Metallica, Testament, Empire-era 'Ryche, Mountain King Savatage, etc... but the songs are DULL. Not a single fistpumper of an anthem out of the lot. Great guitarwork, sure, but the songs are written like hamfisted Nickelback singles. They'll only be memorable after you've heard them on the radio for the 2938742198472093847th time, and you still won't remember who sang them.
Killer post.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Good for you, Edge. I've enjoyed the new Trivium (something I never thought I'd say given their past propensity for metalcore). Is it album of the year? Certainly not. Not even top ten for me. But it is a solid album and a very good listen if you like old Metallica and Testament. More importantly, it's a step in the right direction...that being any direction other than metalcore/emo. :D

:headbang: :kickass:
As funny as that video is, so many bands are the same. You can't understand the singer, and the words they do sing sometimes sound like other things.
Cheiron said:
As funny as that video is, so many bands are the same. You can't understand the singer, and the words they do sing sometimes sound like other things.

Oh, I know...so many cookie cutter bands too. Although, the talent in singing like that comes in the pronunciation...some singers can actually pull it off to where you can understand the majority of what they're saying...definitely to the same percentage of some of these high-pitched singers...I can't tell what a lot of them are saying either.

This is also of course a reference to another thread where someone mentioned all singers of this type have no talent...Mike from Opeth was mentioned...and I think that's ridiculous...it takes quite a bit of talent! And anyone who thinks otherwise, should put their money where their mouths are and actually try doing it & record it. I've tried, and I can't very well...and I also know a lot of good singers who have tried it, and can't do it well. Especially high-ranged singers (except a select few)...they certainly can't.