
Originally posted by Vanir
If you only knew how many marriage proposals she's gotten lately... ;)

:lol: I just said she was cute, but I might propose to her if I think I have any chances (Do I RuneFairy?) :muahaha:
Originally posted by Thanatos

:lol: I just said she was cute, but I might propose to her if I think I have any chances (Do I RuneFairy?) :muahaha:

Hmmm - interesting. Let's have a love thread as well :grin: :p ;)
I just have to find someone I really like.....
(I mean, in the ohoooo kinda way), and I'll create it.

Love and Mayhem! :lol:
@Rune Fairy: oh well, I'm happy for you, hope your relationship goes as far as you want it to ;)

@Lordenlil: Great idea, how about naming it "Seceretly in love with Rune Fairy " or smt equally cheesy? :eek:
I'm with Lordenlil, it doesn't hurt to tell a girl she's cute if you really think so, and that doesn't mean you're shallow for that because I wasn't hitting on Rune Fairy :p
@Lordenlil: Weren't you the one saying in another thread that you were shallow? If not... I have completely mistaken.

@Thanatos: No, it's not wrong to think a girl is cute. I just can't stand how some guys look for only that. It bugs the hell out of me. I don't know if either of you are shallow, but I just get so angry when a guy doesn't care about anything else.
Back on topic:

My name means assassin in finnish.
The reason behind the name is something like this, people are backstabbing bastards and assassins do backstabbing. I am people, I backstab people, therefore assassin. Or something like that, you can look up the other 3 nick posts I have answered on.
Originally posted by Vanir
Compared to how many I've gotten, that's definately not bad ;)

Could be the fact that
A- I'm not particularily "cute"
B- I'm a guy. We're the ones supposed to propose.
B-ii- I'm not gay either.

I think you're cute. :grin: I don't feel it's wrong to say someone is cute if I think they are, and I say what I think. :)

As for proposals, times are changing and women can propose now... even if my mother told me never to propose and wait for the guy to propose...

My name means a mouse with wings. A reference to both the winged mouse doll I have (a prized possession) and winged mice or bats. :)
My handle is Arch. And my name is Arch. Therefore, I lack originality. :)