
peanuts... I dont know if they have another name so I just translate the German word ^^ its sugared peanuts. eat them slowlys one by one, drink loads of water... takes about two, three hours but then Im totaly fine again.
I just started drinking again as soon as I got up. This and really bad fried food = win.
Ive drank a lot several times, way more than my limit and i never got hangover :rofl:

hehe, ive been totally wasted but never hangover, its weird

anyways, how was your new year's eve? mine was awesome

yeah even when I passed out I never got any hangover. Well my mood is worse than usual but I dont have a headache and other shit.

My new years eve was okay. but not as good that I plan to do the same thing next time again.
You know you are cured when you are ready to start all over again :kickass:

My best tip is if you are going to overdo it, stick to twhatever drink agrees with you in large quantities. Hangovers are far more manageable.

In my case, beer, good. Ouzo, Pastis or any aniseed based liqueur... Hangover from hell follows in less than 3 hours.