WTF (coffee related)

Windom Pearl

May 31, 2001
Tampere, Finland
I've quit coffee drinking. Not totally, but I've reduced it to hangover mornings. Today I made an exception however, cause yesterday went pretty late.

So after second coffee break today...what do I notice...

It makes me feel like shit! Mildly nauseous and sweaty. Blaarh.

Maybe quitting was a wise decision instead of gay decision.
I've quit coffee, mainly because it's barely dropped below 20 degrees C during the past week, and been up as high as 35... but rest assured when the typical English summer returns I'll be back to drinking coffee and staring at the rain again.... ahhh. :) *sigh*
Luckily my mother doesn't know how to use internet but father on the other hand... :ill: He once noticed that I had been on SuomiFinlandPerkele board. What a preacher. "SuomiFinlandPERKELE is from Satan. No good, evil, bad for you. Blasphemy. etc. blaa blaa blaa." o_O

For fuck's sake, I'm a grown up woman and I know what I'm doing.


Nowadays I drink hot chocolate. Mmmm so good for ya :p.
hot chocolate makes you happy. because the chocolate contains some psychofarmakons that let your body produce more endorphine or some shit like that.
PsychoFARMAKONS?! Hahahahaha!

Ok, I know that chocolate contains some sort of stuff that the body/brain produces when in love [with someone]. I suppose I'm in shortage of it. :(