happy -20 centigrade!


Messianic Subliminal Mind
May 2, 2001
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Happy new years to those of you who've already entered 2002... Since I'm probably in the second to last time zone to end the year on this forum (no one from Hawaii's joined, have they?) I thought I'd ask how it was... I hope it's exciting because I don't have any plans.

Originally I was going to snowshoe with my sister and a bunch of friends to 'Tecumseh' a mountain here in the Crowsnest Pass. then build a big fire to celebrate, but the temperature's dipped below -20 today, so have decided that wouldn't be very fun.
Options are going to see a blues band at the bar, house party, or stay ot home. Any suggestions?

What better music for my return to the frigid winter..
I went to the coast (that's only ~4 km away) just before it got 00:00. It was unbelievable... ...I could even see the fireworks that were fired up at the opposite (dutch) coast that is about 8 km away. Words are not enough. (btw: I listened to Borknagar's Empiricism while watching everything...it fit the scene perfectly. Opeth would have been too dark :))

But on my way back home I saw only stupid people shouting at each other and shit. Why are there so many assholes and not more people like you guys and gals here? :cry:
Heh, I went to bed at 10:30, completely missed the midnight thing. :D

Glad I didn't go out, there were a few stabbings around the middle of the city, where all the festivities were, it would have sucked to be around that.

Went to bed listening to Tristania, not a bad way to end the year.
Glad I didn't go out, there were a few stabbings around the middle of the city, where all the festivities were, it would have sucked to be around that.

Seems to be the same everywhere...depressing.