Happy B-Day Charles Darwin!

You know, Darwin illuminates a strong truth in the world. If a species detects it must move on, it will move on. I was watching a documentary on how the Whale was once a land mammal on National Geographic recently, and they pointed out that the whale just overcame struggle after struggle of trying to survive.


Evolution = Need
Need > No Need
No Need = No Evolution
Evolution = Adaptation
Adaptation = Manifestation of Need + Mind
Manifestation of Need + Mind = Evolution

So to keep Darwins spirit alive in this thread, what can we say about Humanity presently?
D'oh I knew there was something I wanted to greet everyone with today in the ol' land o' science job. Happy not-quite-belated-but-belated-for-my-purposes Darwin Day
63% of Americans deny Evolution.

Don't be fooled by politicians, Americans are not smart citizens!

That said, hails to Darwin!