Happy B-day, DragonLady!


Dec 8, 2003
Berlin, Germany
Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag, Caro! Laß es Dir gutgehen und bleib einfach der wundervolle Mensch, der du bist! You rock! :headbang: :kickass:

" Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag, Caro! Laß es Dir gutgehen und bleib einfach der wundervolle Mensch, der du bist! You rock! " couldn't have said it better!

happy birthday, caroline! i really hope you have a very happy, joyful day!
DragonLady1 said:
hey olethros, were u the guy who came with us to drink the wine? and did u go to budapest after?

yes that was me, but could not make it to Budapest in time to see Anathema, really wanted to but had travel and accomodation already booked in Vienna. I am quite jealous you went to see Anathema again in Poland.
Happy Birthday Caroline, you won't need the zimmer for a while...(Ooh sorry Zimmer means something else in German)

And happy B/Day to Don also