Konkhra: Reality Check (first reviews)


Reality Check
Code 666
Danish death metallers hit a career peak

CONTINUALLY DOGGED by misfortune and scuppered plans,
Konkhra have been one of extreme metal's best kept
secrets for years now. It's a testament to the
persistence of frontman Anders Lundemark that the band
are still out there fighting for that elusive big
break. Like all their albums to date, 'Reality Check'
proves that the band have a strong grasp of the metal
zeitgeist and time has not dimmed Lundemark's knack
for writing accessible but utterly crushing riffs.
Despite having lost their most famous collaborator,
former Death/Obituary man James Murphy, this latest
Konkhra incarnation is the heaviest and tightest yet,
ensuring that songs like 'Warmonger' and 'Day Of The
Dog' are consummate bursts of melodically astute death
metal. As ever, exceptional stuff.

Here's a brand new review of this album on Guts Of Darkness !!! (reviewed today !)

Konkhra, un groupe dont beaucoup de monde a entendu parler mais dont peu ont eu l'occasion d'en écouter les douces notes... Peut-être tout simplement parce que les rares qui ont pu écouter n'en sont pas revenus ! J'avoue avoir été dur avec "Weed out the weak", mais il faut bien avouer que ce dernier fait désormais bien pâle figure face à ce monstrueux "Reality check" ! Retrouvant le line up de ses débuts, Anders Lundermark nous balance à la gueule le disque de death/thrash de l'année. Alternant brûlots bien speeds (sans jamais blaster) et pièces bien plus lourdes destinées à écraser l'auditeur sous des tonnes de riffs palm mutés, force est de constater que le grupe a mis le paquet. Niveau production déjà : faite maison, celle ci sied parfaitement à la musique, pas trop claire, surpuissante, légèrement crade, une véritable réussite à mon goût. Niveau composition également : toutes sont excellentes, même si l'on dénote une chute sensible du niveau sur la fin de l'album. Mais lorsque l'on sait que Konkhra se permet de balancer sa meilleure compo tous albums confondus en la piste "Reality check", alors on pardonne tout ! Ce morceau est absolument ultime question baffe "in your face", vraiment à écouter ! Bref, s'il ne révolutionne rien, ce "Reality check" demeure un disque majeur de cette année dans le style, et ma foi des come back réussis comme ceui-ci (car on peut à ce niveau parler de come back), j'en redemande ! (October 2003)

rate : 5/6

orgasm in musica magazine - poland

"Reality Check"

Definitely they are back! After a pretty disappointing "Come Down
Cold" CD I thought which direction they will lead in, and this time
I can write that the Danish KONKHRA have done a smart move and just
recorded that kind of the album which is honest and shows their
really traditional way in playing death/thrash metal in an old
style. Some people call it as "death 'n roll", but I wouldn't like
to lead you on the wrong track, so I can tell you what I really
think. Don't expect another typical Scandivian product - that's for
sure. An opening song "Warmonger" introduces how skilled musicians
they are, and within a simple aggressive song the Danish quartet
brings many old-school elements. The story goes the same in the
songs such as "Reality Check", "Fear of God" and "Day of the Dog".
Fast and mid tempoes, crazy guitar solos, BLACK SABBATH-influenced
groovy rhythms, powerful growling, variety of ideas - this way they
enter the realm of death metal again with no focusing on brutality
only. That's why we can find also a little bit slower songs
like "The Lions Are Hungry" which still kick and come true
performed by KONKHRA. "Eyes of Horus" brings some oriental
ornaments in a guitar work and you will also find a short acoustic
interlude ("The Coming of (R)age") and an outro of the same sort
("The Blackest of Dawns"). If you are a fan of SLAYER, THE HAUNTED,
(old) MACHINE HEAD or ENTOMBED, you will like it for sure. If not -
taste it with a beer in a hand partying along with your friends.
Wojciech Szymanski (7 / 10)

Tornano alla carica dopo WEED OUT THE WEAK e COME DOWN COLD (nei quali ha partecipato l' immortale Sig. James Murphy alla chitarra e voce) con la stessa formazione del "capolavoro" SPIT OR SWALLOW (se non erro del '94). Signori! Se vi siete persi "spit or swallow" non potete far altro che correre a recuperarlo?Il sottoscritto conobbe la band proprio all'uscita di questo disco (terzo full-leght della loro discografia) che venne consacrato come uno dei migliori album del genere?e penso che ad oggi non sia stato ancora raggiunto?se non dai loro stessi creatori, che tornano sulle scene con questo ottimo lavoro battezzato REALITY CHECK, totalmente rinnovati, nella formazione e nell'etichetta, passando dalla "die hard" alla nostrana "code666" (secondo me?un bel colpo per la casa imolese!). Mi è bastato leggere la formazione di questo nuovissimo "reality check" per sapere già, senza ascoltare, che avrei recensito bene questo lavoro! Questo disco è potente! Un pugno in faccia! Dalla possente voce, ai suoni e le ritmiche di chitarra! Non vi aspettate niente di rivoluzionario nel genere, ma a me piace proprio per questo! Forse la band ha fatto un piccolo passettino indietro a livello stilistico, e se è cosi' hanno fatto sicuramente bene visto che "weed out the weak" non mi era affatto piaciuto, e "come down cold" mi è sembrato sbiaditamente carino! Questo disco scorre benissimo e mi sento di battezzare come migliori tracce l'opener "warmonger" e la quarta "eye of hours"; tutto il disco è disseminato di piccole grandi trovate che rendono sicuramente ancora più piacevole l'intera composizione e sono sicuro che in ogni singolo pezzo potrete trovare la bella idea che vi impressionerà piacevolmente! Non vorrei far paragoni azzardati ma se non conoscete questa band, vorrei paragonarvi le sonorità di questo disco a "the gathering" dei Testament! Sicuramente questo disco è più violento, e poi, non vi troverete di certo ad ascoltare i classici "pezzi materasso" dopo la quinta sesta traccia (come accade in "the gathering"). Un acquisto sicuramente obbligato ai maniaci del thrash americano di nuova generazione! Un gran disco!

There is something to be said about no frills death metal. You don't always need something completely fresh to enjoy yourself, especially when it comes to the insane world of extreme metal. Every once in awhile you just want some good heavy riffs and a lot of growling, and if you're in the mood, KONKHRA is just what the doctor ordered.

The affair starts quick and hits hard with opener "Warmonger." The riffs are fast but not insane. The vocals are harsh but not vicious. The rhythm section is good but not extraordinary. The guitar solos are really the only standout element, they have an almost liquid smoothness in their lightning delivery. This does not sound like it's making much of a release, but what KONKHRA has that many others do not is the ability to make good quality death metal without getting lost in anything eccentric. Other than the two brief guitar interludes and a few quiet intros, there is nothing really to distract from the main purpose of this album: to give the listener a rocking good time and hopefully start a mosh pit or three in the process.

This is not all out madness and there is nothing groundbreaking here, so don't come to the party looking for either quality. What you will find is an overabundance of quality riffs and a great attitude toward traditional death metal. When all is said and done, what else do you really need?

Rating 7/10
Reviewer NAD

Reality Check (code666)

Year: 2003
Reviewer: Brent Lockman
Rating: 9/10

Here at Ubermetal.com we strive to educate you on the good (Vader), humiliate the bad (Six Feet Under), and warn you about the just plain ugly (Dave Brockie Experience). In this wonderful tradition, I submit for your approval the latest release from the criminally underrated death metal band Konkhra.

Have you ever pissed someone off so much that you are already envisioning the pain, and just waiting for the release of aggression when a human being ceases to be a civilized member of society and becomes an animal? To me, this is what the opening moments of this record were like.

Musically, the album is intense and unforgiving. It features drums that will pummel you into submission, primal deathgrowls that will send old people running in terror, screaming guitars with riffs that you could use to strip paint; all the things that come with a great death metal record.

When it comes down to it, that is what Konkhra have created here. All sonic asskicking aside, from start to finish this is a solid offering. Incorporating many styles of death metal, from old school Morbid Angel-type stuff to the more modern death thrash a la The Haunted, to just outright brutal death, it has all the bases covered quite nicely.

What greatly saddens me about this record is that as awesome as it is, in my travels around the net I've found very few people who've heard it, or even know of the band's existence. So consider this my good deed for this year (remember, education above all else), and do whatever you can to get a hold of this. If that involves selling your soul, so be it. It'll be a worthy trade.

Trust me.