happy b-day, DreamNeonBlack

yeh have a good one dude. you better leave that tropical wall in your house right where it is, otherwise you fuckin suck and i retract my well wishes.
neal said:
yeh have a good one dude. you better leave that tropical wall in your house right where it is, otherwise you fuckin suck and i retract my well wishes.

Uh oh, I'm in trouble...:ill:

Thank you all for your well wishes.

Tee, You don't ahve to be Karen, you have your own feminine wyles....:D

Now for the not so good news. Kind of a mood killer so you may not want to scroll down.

We found out recently my Dad is very ill, he will be going into the hospital on monday for his first operation, it was supposed to be today ( my birthday ) but the hospital has changed it to monday. He will then have a second on December 28th, this will hopefully take care of everything.

So instead of birthday wishes for me, please turn all good cheer towards my dad's swift recovery.

thanks, :wave:

we now return you to your regularly scheduled madness.

FYI the new Maiden DVD rocks.
OH, I did not mention. NO CANCER.

the creepy part they took out was not cancer, it turns out basically the offending part was dying due to lack of blood
. :OMG:

I don't know all the details of why but thats what the doctor said.