happy birthday Arch!

archie!! :hotjump:

i prefer to think of you as a passionate contributor to this forum. you also said you want to push my button, and that makes me ticklish. :p

joyous b-day, man. :)
Happy birthday fella.
Get yourself a free Gordita at taco bell
my treat.

Archie rocks!

Happy birthday dude! Have a beer! A great day to you and may all your wishes become reality.
@DeepInMisery: Thanks! Actually, this forum is my home and I ventured off to Seriously Off-Topic. Yes, I am dirty. DIRRRTY!

@JackhammerRape: Thanks for the toast. Cheers!

@Rahvin: I still haven't mastered the art of pushing your buttons, Michele. I suppose I might need to learn from the best... Profånity! ;) Ooh, I'm a passionate contributor? Maybe I'll tack that on to my title. :D Thanks!

@MagSec4: Thanks for the coupon, but they wouldn't accept it, because it expired last year. So I punched all the employees that worked there and I made them honored that coupon. It was worth it! Thanks! :) BTW, any chance you can help me with my calculus?

@Miolo: Thanks! :) Glad to be of service.

@Salamurhaaja: Linux 0wnz j000000!

@Fireangel: Danke schön!

@The_Grand_Wazoo: bedankt!

@Wolfman Von Jones: Thanks. Will you cook me some food, Nick?

@Caelestia: Thanks for the wonderful link. That actually ownz goatse!

@Mousewings: Thank you! Hmm... I wish for... I wish for....

@Steve: You rule! You have great taste in music and you know what sucks. :)

@Northern Lights: Tack så mycket!

@VultureCulture: I will have a good one, in fact, a great one! Ich werde nach The Stinking Rose gehen. Es ist ein italienisch Restaurant in Beverly Hills.

Okay, tell me how bad I butchered my German. Yes, it's been a while since I studied it. :)

@Tranquillian: Tack! Hej, is The Seventh Seal really that good? I've only seen Smultronstället.

@GTranquillity: Thank you Diane for going through all that trouble for my Dark Tranquillity Live DVD! I owe you big time! You rock!

@Siren: Thank you, Siren.

@Rusty: Thanks!
Arch said:
@MagSec4: Thanks for the coupon, but they wouldn't accept it, because it expired last year.
Ah yes.. it seems it has
And it's for taco bell Malaysia
(I forgot I had stolen it from Caelestia's purse last year..)
"My bad, son"

So I punched all the employees that worked there and I made them honored that coupon. It was worth it! Thanks! :)
Oh! well.. as long as one person is happy and half-a-dozen others are hurt and in pain.. :)
It's the little things that make life great in this world.

BTW, any chance you can help me with my calculus?
If you're serious ..yeah, sure thing man. Just name it.