Happy birthday, Cara!!

i forgot abour your birthday because i've been doped up on Seroquel/Clonopin

What the Hell????? Long Story short, my best Friend Shane's ex girlfriend, Missy, had a cousin whose name escapes me and it was her Birthday. Anyway, she was telling me how she & her boyfriend had just recently had Mexican food and she was also having her period. Therefore, as I was trying to enjoy my Coors Light she kept informing me of her "blood & Diarrhea".

Anyway, Happy Birthday Cara:lol:

ha ha
great story
also all the pix were great
thank you everyone, i appreciate it :)

derick got me a foot spa! yayyyyy

blood and diarrhea! i know exactly what she was talking about. i've had mexican food many a time whilst having the volcano :p
no no...you see, during "that time of the month" all of our bodily systems are out of whack. it's really the only time i even get diarhhea, but it never fails. especially if i dine upon the mexican consumables. it's pretty nasty actually, feeling hot runny poo coming out of one hole, and hot runny blood coming out of the other and making it's way down your butt crack and mixing with the poo...hmmm. happy birthday to me!
no no...you see, during "that time of the month" all of our bodily systems are out of whack. it's really the only time i even get diarhhea, but it never fails. especially if i dine upon the mexican consumables. it's pretty nasty actually, feeling hot runny poo coming out of one hole, and hot runny blood coming out of the other and making it's way down your butt crack and mixing with the poo...hmmm. happy birthday to me!
what's the name of that werewolf movie that just came out ... Blood and Chocolate? yeah... hahaha.

happy birthday, cara! yay birthdays!
thanks again...here are some pics from my birthday dinner with derick, and my friends lane and baig. they were so late that samantha could not join us. for that i curse them. but they got me pretty toasted

shots of crown royal with lane


the two metrosexuals

hmmm drunk

me & my mens

and the hangover is coming...right about now:ill:

OH and here is the cake that samantha was so kind to make for me. we served it at work...weren't many takers :p


:OMG: ! A Chunder-And-Poo-Cake! That's even more awesome than regular poo cake!

no no...you see, during "that time of the month" all of our bodily systems are out of whack. it's really the only time i even get diarhhea, but it never fails. especially if i dine upon the mexican consumables. it's pretty nasty actually, feeling hot runny poo coming out of one hole, and hot runny blood coming out of the other and making it's way down your butt crack and mixing with the poo...hmmm. happy birthday to me!

Sexay! But... how can the blood from your vagina run down your buttcrack when you're sitting on the toilet?
Awww! Yes I missed it due to Peter needing my car for work and those two nancy boys having to scrub the lube of their weenies. Boys are stupid and ruin everything. I'm glad you had fun! We will celebrate belatedly and do something extra fun when David is here to pay for it. :p