happy birthday... *drumroll*

Originally posted by rahvin

i was uncertain about the hamburg-wacken part. thanks for giving yourself away. :)


Yeah I guess theyll have some armed guards expecting us now or something huh? G'damnit..........oh well.

Final_Vision: Proceeding to disband his rabbit infantry......

FatherVic (who while watching the runnaway of the rabbits and seeing some coming his way goes to get the saucepan and some heating oil...dinners coming!!!)
hey vic, where exactly is 1001010?

Also dont forget, the rabbits are highly trained ex-soldiers, I doubt youd be able to cook em.
it says "01001010" which is 8A in hex code, which is 138 in decimal code, which is "è" in system font. hope this brings some enlightment :D
vulture is a clever man, I would just agree, only if I hadn't put them randomly.....but yep it's a binary code :) (or wants to be, but it didn't trained that much)

@F_V: when having to eat, I can cook whatever....rabbits that have been soldiers and soldier that have been rabbits...I don't care that much :loco:
Soldiers that have been rabbits? You mean the genetically engineered soldiers who have rabbit genes implemented into them to make them jump 5x higher than the usual person? Wow, your the man if you can catch them. Is that what you had to eat the day I talked to you on ICQ?
no, they were just normal rabbits :p

nah, I was about to eat some, some.....something (I can't remember!)

fathervic (who will begin to dream in rabbits, naked, of course... as usual)
well haven't seen one since Disney was active....
the few I see these days (the ones not in dreams) come out of the saucepan strait to my stomach (via throat :) )

fathervic (who loves to give stupid replies to stupid posts ;) )
Originally posted by FatherVic
well haven't seen one since Disney was active....
the few I see these days (the ones not in dreams) come out of the saucepan strait to my stomach (via throat :) )

fathervic (who loves to give stupid replies to stupid posts ;) )

Isnt that what this forum is? The paranoic, rediculous, highly intelligent forum for highly paranoic, rediculous, and highly intelligent people? *checks name* ah fuck its the DT forum.......oh well I guess ill stay here........
ooh,that reminds me of my german learning....the language is cool,i want to learn more and more,but i am so tired of my teacher...she sucks big time and makes me feel i am in a kindergarten class :muahaha: :mad:
hmm I took 2 years of Spanish and forgot about 95% of it.........donde esta el perro de la esquina ? (Something to the effect of where is the dog of the corner i think........)
@|ngenius: don't be filthy man :D

@mel~well may be it's because you behave like in kindergarden???? no off to bed and some hot milk for the lady :p

@F_V you're on the way, with that you can visit Spain now!!! everybody will be searching for the dog, but who cares :)