happy birthday: erik, henrik main, dubloth

woohooo party!!!!

Grattis pa fodelsedagen, Erik and the rest!!!! :kickass:

it's still 13th but jesus christ TWENTY FOUR!?

it's not helping that today i bought a SUIT and proper PANTS and a SHIRT because one of my old buddypals is going to get MARRIED this SUNDAY

i'm getting OLD
ok, it's already 14th in Europe.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :kickass: :danceboy:

PS: Erik, haha @ you being 5 months older than me, old fart!
yes happy birthday!!! - will you get funny photostuff I have to get jealous of, pinkstink?
yes happy birthday!!! - will you get funny photostuff I have to get jealous of, pinkstink?

i'm too old to get any fancy presents

i got one of those air blower ball things you use to clean sensors so that's vaguely photographic