Happy Birthday JackhammerRape


Feb 8, 2003
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Hurrah, you're turning 22 today (I'm a few time zones ahead :p). What's it like having your birthday on April Fool's, hm?

Happy birthday! :)

Happy birthday! :hotjump:
well, for cael, it's today, for all normal people, tomorrow :)
don't you know it causes bad luck to with a happy birthday too early? and everytime you light a cigarette on a candle, a sailor dies!
@ Vulture & Rahv : Is that from the same school of thought that says everytime you masturbate, god kills a kitten..

heh. i never liked cats anyway.. ;)

but anyway, thanks very much everyone :oops:

@ Cael, that card is great, it's so Grim it's Grym!

@ ben, you can start the next one, besides, you can make it up to me later ;)

@ Siren, give it time :p i'm sure by the time next year rolls around, you'll all be sick of me if not already :D

@NL, i'm never spared the petty April fools gags, it's my curse, because apparently, i'm 'special' , as if i'm not expecting them to because i'm the fool born on fool's day.. it perplexes even me..

@ DIM, perhaps we should start our own club, teh 22 clubbe! for gr1m and tr00 22's

@ Rahv, plenty more where that came from :p, and it seems it's a 3 some later then ;)

@ Miolo, thanks, oh friendly Rush fan.

@ Salmy, i have no idea what that said, i'm guessing it's rude , but thanks anyway ;)

@Mag, i shall enjoy the lovely sensation the Taco gives as it mixes with all the whiskey in my stomach,

Thanks again to everyone, i'm told by my friends that tomorrow will be a night of getting 'wankered' 'plastered' 'wasted' 'trolleyed' 'mashed' 'fuct' 'kablammo' 'rat-arsed' 'shit-faced' and many other brit euphemisms for getting drunk you'll never have heard of.

happy birthday from me, too (and I think I am now in teh right timezone ;) ) :wave:

Salamurhaaja didn´t say anything evil. It was something like this: "happy birthday, getting older is pain, pain is good" :) - sorry for any incorrectness, just the big picture....