Happy birthday Mikael!

Happy Birthday, Mike!

On a side note, I think it's funny that people joke around by calling Mike the Almighty after comparing him to Jesus. But does anyone see the irony of comparing looks between a scandinavian and a Jew?
well, I dont think Mike will be persecuted and crucified, but I could be wrong. In fact i dont know why anyone would want to kill him..maybe they only would cuz they r jealous of his awsomeness lolol. But im glad hes still with us after 33 years. He may not be mainstream or Mikael(Jackson....lol), but he shuld go down in history.
Happy birthday Stilgar! hope you had a blast dude! any cool gifts?

oh and happy birthday to that dude from opeth as well i guess
Heh. Thanks. :)

We got us a Nintendo Wii with Zelda and a couple of new speakers, since my old Dali 109s were a bit too big for the livingroom in our new house. I guess I consider those my birthday presents. And then of course I got a special something from my wife. ;)
Va fick du av frun då Stilgar? Kanske gjorde man en film?
Nämen grattis på dagen, hoppas allt gick bra :)

Jaha och en försenad födelsedagshälsning till dig Mike din gamla gubben. Du fyllde ju 47, va? Faan va gammal.

Som paket får du ett kort på mig i paradisdräkt:


Ja, mår du leva och bli så vacker som jag.
im disgustipated by that goddamn image. i wish i spoke swedish.

happy birthday man, hope you had a good one. i hope you didnt think you could have a day off either just coz its your b'day... you better have been writing music!.