Happy Birthday Robot!


Active Member
Dec 6, 2001
Well, the day is almost over, and the night has come, but isn't that when the best parties begin? ;)


Happy happy birthday, my favourite robot, with my heartfelt wishes for a very happy and prosperous new year in your life! Don't forget we love you!!! *hugs* :hotjump:
Happy b-day |ng, part II ;)

(and yes, the best parties start at night, especially if you're a robot equipped with adequate headlights :))

Alfred (there is a light)
What's this? My sweet and beautiful greek Siren starting a birthday thread for me?! Thaaaaaaaaanks!!!! Chupiiiiiii!!!!

Let's party!!! C'mon, babe, dance! Uh, ah! Dance!!! C'mon! (With Bender's voice in "Bender Shouldn't Be Allowed on TV").

@theredin: Thanks, my fellow Asgaroth forumer, I didn't drink so much, just a beer so far. Are you sending any presents to me? :)

@Alfred: Thanks (Part II). Some people believe that the best parties are those where you end up totally drunk and thinking that you are a sailor visiting some pub-with-red-lights-and-girls-treating-you-with-too-much-familiarity. Those people are obviously wrong. :p

You want a present?

Here here's my present:

*in New York accent*

Happy freakin birthday o.k. Kapeesh? What do you friggin want? Apartment freakin rent costs an arm and a leg and I already have to work three friggin jobs. I feel like I'm friggin dyin' over here.

You want a friggin present? How 'bout I come over to friggin uga-bugga land and send you a present you will never forget. Now get outta here!

Friggin amateurs.

*turns off New York accent*

Anyways, how was your birthday? Did you get anything cool, or do anything fun?

And how much cake did you eat for us?
Hey, a real fake and freakin new-york accent, awesome!!!! Thanks, theredin, I knew you were going to give me the right present. I certainly ate a chocolate cake, but a little piece, since I shared it with the rest of my family (the family isn't so big, but the cake wasn't big either...).

As for presents, I got a graphic tablet to improve my designing skills. Good. :)

so.. I know that somebody thinks about me as a ghost (or something similar :rolleyes: ).. This is a great occasion, so I want to kiss my favourite robot and tell him that one day I'll come to cuddle him (no, honey.. this is not a menace :lol: )
Happy B-Day, dearie
hope that this (was - is - will be) a day to remember

Missed it too, sadly enough ; despite the fact that I never talked to you much, your posts and your overall presence on those forums along the years were more than enough to convince me that you are one hell of a good person.

Happy birthday mister ; hope that all your dreams will be fulfilled, because you, all in all, definitely deserve all the joy and the happiness in this world. Maybe someday we'll finally chat ; I'll be looking forward to it.
Okey, people. Let's take a look to the good manners our canadian friend showed in his post above: that is the right way to wish a happy birthday to a robotic friend of yours. Shall we set it as a sticky post in order to be the paradigm of someone with a nice sense of wishing... or something? :rolleyes:

@Blue Moon: Sure, we can chat whenever you want. I'm working on my dreams, I'll make you know if there's any noticeable progress, cross your fingers. Likewise. Thank you so much ;)

@VC: Well, as a matter of fact, your presence here is enough, even being that late. Just... send me a present and your terrible and forgetful attitude will be forgiven. (Do you buy that?)

|ng (Deserving things... but dunno what sort of things yet).