Happy birthday to me

Celebrations throughout the birthdays:

18 - Got FUCKED up with a shitload of people, my bro threw me a party and all these old (as in mid-20's) headbangers showed up with a shitload of beer, CDs, and tequila. Never saw them before, never saw them again.
19 - Got FUCKED up with a few friends and argued with my girlfriend at the time on the way home, then we noticed her car was broken into while we were gone so I spent quite some time cleaning up that mess while really drunk. That was the first time my mom saw me smoke and she said "you look stupid with a cigarette." :tickled:
20 - Dunno, probably got FUCKED up.
21 - got FUCKED up with my dad and a few friends, developed a taste for expensive liquor that night. Hot chick in my lap the whole time SOCOCOORE (except I didn't).
22 - Dunno, probably got FUCKED up.
23 - Dunno, probably got FUCKED up.
24 - Dunno, probably got FUCKED up.
25 - Went to San Diego and got FUCKED up, complained about my ex-girlfriend, then on the way back played with some hot chick's boobs before passing out in the backseat of my friend's car. Then woke up yelling about the government, or something.

Good times.
Happy birthday, Erik. Even if you can't read this.

I'd get you something, but there are few shiny records to be found here.

I'm unusually well-behaved today. :)