happy birthday xenophobe!!


why can't we not be sober
May 5, 2002
In the silly halls of none
Visit site
i was lurking in the homepage and.........

..........happy happy birthday xeno! have a good one

how many parties in these days, why haven't i seen alcohol yet? :bah: :p
Happy birthday!
Hilj, thanks for thinking of me. :oops: I'll probably party with a few friends later... :saint: *passes you a bottle*

Rhavin, Thanks ;) and you'll get there soon enough :p

:wave: @ Vulture

Thanks Arch! :)

Violet, thank you!! I'll try... :D
Hey Xeno, I normally don't post here very much, but for you I'll make an exception.

Have a nice day and don't just pass the bottle, take a few swallows now and then..
Hilj, you can have the bottle whenever you want! :heh:

Thanks Mel! I actually didn't go party, but I had a good time anyways! :D

Real Hazzard, thanks, and yeah, I just love that pic! :)

Steve, thanks and thanks! :eek:

Lhorian, thanks! :tickled: Someday I'll make an exception for you too... ;)

Caelestia.... *hugs* all over again!

Sunjammer, thanks! :wave:

Siren, I appreciate that! :oops:

:wave: @ Vulture!

Thanks Thanny, for being a mean and grumpy man, you're quite a decent guy. :p

Thanks Tebus! :)

Mousewings, thanks! :D