happy doughnut day!!

If I had a donut, I'd totally be eating it right now. Closest Krispy Kreme is like 20 miles away though.

hahahaha rememeber when the Atkins diet made a huge splash a few years ago and their stock tumbled? Fucking morons man "holy shit I can't believe donuts are BAD for you!"
Denis Leary on cigarettes said:
Holy shit these things are bad for you?!? Shit, I thought they were good for you, I thought they had vitamin C and stuff! You fucking dolt.
Lol...Yea that anti-carb craze was fucking stupid. "Yes I'll take a double chili cheese burger...hold the bread".

I banned donuts many years ago. According to the (m)ass media, one donut has the same negative impact on your heart as eating 13 bacon strips.
That statistic doesn't surprise me. Whenever I eat a donut, I feel like someone punched me in the gut with brass knuckles coated in skin penetrating liquid hot MAG-MA. [/Dr. Evil]

I eat like 2 a year, maybe.
the closest one to us is about 20 miles away too. so even though it sounds good, i'll sard the effort. and have cake from the kitchen instead :Spin:
So a long time ago I was shopping at some stupid store for something I don't remember, but anyhow. Came across the card aisle. Found the greatest birthday card in all the land. The cover said "It's your birthday, I'm going to draw you a cake!" Then there was a 4-panel drawing of a chicken, not a cake. Open the card and all it said was "Mmmmmm... chicken cake."

:lol: x984yut9844958y49187y194871904385u90318u0io1kl19081814uio141
Because you're too tr00 for everyone else. I also think you're faggots fotr avoiding donuts because theyre unhealthy. If some twats didn't have 5 a day it wouldn't be such a big health concern.
Krispy Kreme is actually pretty cool about free donuts on a daily basis.
If you go in with a wondering eye, and ask what is this flavor or that flavor ... most of the time they let you try a free one ... at least the ones in the NY area.
yeah thats how they are in the dallas area too. the one closest to us here in MD is crappy and dun' give free donuts.
Demonspell said:
I agree with Marksveld...Krispy Kremes are pure filth, right up there with McDonalds for processed sewage, anyone who eats from either more than three times a week deserves to have their circulatory system shut down before thirty.
three times a week?? :yow: just back up the grease truck and hook it directly into my veins, jesus. i haven't eaten mcdonalds in years; health risks aside, their food tastes like shit! when i'm in california i eat in-n-out once a week or so...so good, in-n-out fucking rules :rock:

fuck i'm so hungry now
In-n-out is great. McDonald's is not food it is NOT. FUCKING. FOOD.

"You didn't make the noise, Bundy!"

we have no in-and-out in NYC ... sucks ... i hear so much good things about it.

NAD, can you mail me a frozen burger or something?